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Listen to Dream Girl -

September 15, 1978
Jerry's Diner

"Oh Cherry you are funny" I slap her shoulder

"Oh I know" she replies

I giggle at her reply. I look down and see I spilled some milkshake on my skirt.

"Cherry pass me a napkin, will ya ?"


She passes me a napkin and I wipe of the strawberry milkshake from my skirt.

We hear the bells from the door jingle, signaling someone is coming in.

Me and Cherry turn around to see a group of boys.

"Cherry I haven't seen them around town have you" I whisper ask

"No guess they are new, or we just haven't been paying attention to boys" she jokes

I look up and see the boys all sitting down in a booth. The waitress goes up to them and they eye her up and down like a hawk with its prey.

"Hey Lucy would you be a dear to come get me a refill" Cherry says

"I will be right up Cherry" Lucy replies

Lucy is my older sister. She works at the diner for extra money. Me and Cherry usually come after school to wait until Lucy gets out of work.

The boys all turn there heads once Cherry says that, they are all wearing white shirts,black leather jackets, navy blue jeans, and black chuck taylor's. They have the bottom of there pants folded and you can see there white socks. They each have a comb on the waistband of there jeans and there hair is slicked to the side.

Once Lucy is done taking there orders she comes over to the counter. She takes away Cherry's milkshake and rushes to the back to get another.

"Hey Candy want to go put on some music" Cherry asks

"Sure what song" I ask

"Our favorite of course" she says in a 'duh' tone

"Comin' right up"

I go over to the jukebox and put in the song I want.

'Summer Nights' by Grease starts to play.

'Grease' just came out a few months ago and me and Cherry are obsessed. Sandy is so lucky.

I skip back to my table, but not before those boys whistled at me.

"Excuse me" I say

"Yes my darling" one boy says

"There was no need to whistle at me" I snap

"Oh but there was" the same boy says

"And what was the need" I ask

"You are very pretty sweetheart"

"While thank you ..."


"Ethan, thank you Ethan"

"No problem ..."


"Candace,no problem"

"This may be rude to ask but are you guys new here, haven't seen y'all around town" I ask

"Oh we aren't new, just moved back" Ethan says

"Oh nice to know"

The boy smiles, and all the other boys snicker.

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