1. "Oh....Fudge"

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      (Y/N) was getting ready to go to high school. She put on her outfit (whichever of your choice) and brushed her (small/medium/long hair). She walked out the door and started walking to school as her hands roamed her pockets.

"Crap, I forgot my phone."

She turned on her heels and speed-walked back to her home.

(Time skip)

She reached her school, panting. She was early, like always. She pulled out her phone and got on YouTube. She started watching what she usually watched. Some students started coming, with their phones out. The buses nor the other students have came yet so it's still early.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

The teen looked up from her phone, to see her friend.

"Oh hey, (F/N)." She responded.

(F/N) grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist and pulled her away to somewhere secluded  as her other hand placed her phone into her pocket.

"Okay, first order of business, what did you do yesterday?"

"I did the basic. Be a regular student, walk out of school, and mess with Gay Confetti."

"Oh (Y/N), you fucked up."


"Two words. Gay Confetti."

"Oh fudge, I can't get killed! Not now, not never!"

(F/N) closed their eyes and pinched the bridge of their nose.

"Better go home before school starts, I'll make an excuse for you." (F/N) opened their eyes and realized that their friend was running down the street.

"Classic Move From (Y/N)." (F/N) walked back to the entrance of the school, which was now flooded with students.

[Timeskip brought to you by YouTube ads]

By the time (Y/N) got home, first period has begun.

'Congratulations, (Y/N). You have skipped school for the first time in your MISERABLE LIFE.'

(Y/N) opened the door to her home. Her parents had left already. She walked to her room so she can get changed from her usual attire.

[Timeskip lol]

(Y/N) sat in her bed and opened her laptop. She logged on and opened Google Chrome. She typed in 'what to do if you skipped school because you don't want to get killed'

"There's nothing. Oh god, shot me now."

(Y/N) closed her laptop and left the room. She headed towards the living room as she scrolled through her Instagram.

"This is useless!" She flopped onto the couch and groaned. "Never have I been this bored in my life." The (blonde/raven/redhead/brunette/idk) yawned.

Might as well sleep till I die.

And thus, she fell into slumber. But little did she know, that when she'd wake up, she wouldn't be the same.

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