Chapter rawr

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AN: sorry for not updating. Writers block and TBH just not knowing where to go with this story but m back. Also bold might be offensive.

Jason groaned. "I swear the only thing you are good for is changing diapers!" I sniffled trying not to cry. Being with YN really destroyed my emotions even though it's been years since our court date. "God you are such a baby!" My bottom lip quivered. "Jason please stop. You're drunk again." Jason threw the whiskey bottle at the wall next to me. "I'm not drunk you slut! And what did I say about counting my drinks?! You know what happens when you disobey me!" He slapped me and I awoke with a gasp instinctively holding my cheek. "Oh good you're awake. I was just about to wake you up for work. Both our fevers broke but If you're still feeling sick you can stay home." I rubbed my face still feeling tired and pain from where I was hit in my dream. "Yeah umm I'm going to shower real quick. Do you have clothes that I could borrow?" We still haven't been back to that house to grab my things. Jason nodded. "Yeah I do. They might be a little big on you but you're welcome to anything you want Justin." I grabbed the clothes from Jason and shut the bathroom door to get in the shower. I turned on the shower and got undressed. Before I got in I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked weak, pale, and skinny from her punishments. I wiped a single tear from my face and looked at the ceiling to avoid crying more. I got in the shower, washed, got dressed, then Jason drove us to work. Since Jason is the boss and I'm the employee we work on different floors. My job is to take notes for my floor. It was going well and it was quiet as usual until Chris walked up to me. "So why'd you go to court huh? Pimp forget to pay you?" Chris laughed while I frowned not taking my eyes off the notes. "It's classified and I'm not a prostitute Chris." He scuffed. "That's not what your whores said last night," he said laughing skeptically. "Don't you have a report that Mr. McCann needs by Friday?" Chris scuffed again. "You're just pissed because it's true." I set the clipboard down feeling tired of Chris and his BS. And then I snapped. "I'm not a prostitute! I was in court because my girlfriend was being abusive towards me okay?!" I grabbed the clipboard not looking at Chris. Chris laughed. "You were abused by a girl?!" I continued looking at the clipboard. "That sucks that you're weaker than a girl." I frowned feeling multiple emotions at once. I just want to go back to Jason's house to cry. "No real man gets abused, depressed, or raped. It Just doesn't happen." I sighed closing my eyes momentarily. "A male can have all those things Chris. You don't have to degrade me and other males just because your life is boring." He laughed hard. "Whatever you say Bible," he said walking away. "Bieber." I looked back at the clipboard, but Jason tapped me. "I heard what Chris said." I nodded still looking at the clipboard. Suddenly my lips quivered. Jason embraced my in a hug.  While I cried I felt people starting but Jason would shoo them off. Once I stopped crying Jason grabbed me by my shoulders. "Go back to our house for the rest of the day. Also consider Chris fired for being sexist and being an asshole." I rubbed my face wiping the tears away. "Are you sure? I can stick through the rest of the day." He took his hands off my shoulders. "It's up to you." He shrugged. "I'll stay until lunch. I'm tired." He nodded and I started working again. Lunch came and Jason took me back to his house. "Do you need anything?" I shook my head and thanked him. After Jason left I grabbed my phone and keys. I should grab my stuff out of that house. I took a deep breath. This is going to be hard.

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