chapter twelve

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Sarah was at her parents for her sister has came for the Christmas holidays since their parents went to the Hamlin's for dinner she came to stay with Angela
Petra came in to find them in the kitchen for the twin were both sleeping and Dante were off to take a bath,
"Hey girls" Petra said
"Mom" they both said
"How was dinner?" Angela ask
"It was good after all" Donald said
"Junior even stop by" Petra said
"Bad boy Harry junior" Angela said
"Why you said that honey he's not really a bad boy wild but not bad"
Sarah look at Angela to her mother who had now taken a seat,
"Don't say that, on a serious note now, Honey are you ok?" She ask Sarah who nod drinking from her water glass,
"Why didn't you tell us about the baby?" Petra ask
Sarah coughed and crooked on the water, Petra rub her back,
"What baby?" Angela ask
"Your sister is eight weeks pregnant"
"What!?" Angela said giggling excitingly, "you're going to have a baby that's cute"
Sarah look at her from the corner of her eyes
"But honey I always thought you were in a relationship but according to junior he's the only man you have ever experienced and he's willing to do all there is to"
Sarah eyes widened she remembers that morning after she got drunk he was saying all those things like he didn't knew he was the first, she shook her head thinking how a jerk he is but much as he is she love him love him a lot,
Sarah and Angela lay in the bed room and Angela give her tips on how to have a healthy pregnancy searching for names on the internet,
"Can I sleep now?" Sarah ask
"Ok" Angela said getting up she kiss her good bye turning the door, she rush to tell Dante the fantastic news that she is going to be an aunt excitement filled her she couldn't control her emotions,
Sarah was supposed to go to work but ask for the day she was feeling a little better now but she need a little time,
"Mr Winters?" Junior called on seeing Donald soon as he stepped in the lobby, "is Sarah alright? I knew she's at your house but I'm not getting to her"
"She's not too bad" Donald said junior nod and went to his office,
Sarah went home Monday evening she went home to find junior sitting on the steps to her apartment, he got up when she came up she went by him and he followed her up,
She puts the keys in the lock and junior turn it open the door she step in and he went in behind her, she turn to face him he took her hand open his mouth to speak before he could Sarah tip up to kiss him pulling him to the bed room she remove his jacket shove him to the bed  and climb on him guiding his hand to her vibrating flesh leaning in to put her breasts inside his mouth moaning as he suck on them.
Sarah stretch and find herself on the bed alone she lift her head searching the room but it was just she  a lone, she got out of bed and go to the living room to hear stumbling in the kitchen, "Sarah" junior said when he turn and saw her, he was by the stove preparing something,  she walk to him to see what he was doing,
"You cook?"  Sarah ask peeking in to the pot,
"I thought you just let someone do it all the time"
"I'm good at everything"
"You're good at sex, but you're not good at keeping a woman Happy, who was that woman anyway?"
"That woman is my c e o she work for me over the years we just develope a good relationship, she's married and her husband is also a friend her two children are my God children"
"You're a god father?"
"Yes I don't want a jealous woman Sarah"
"I can't help it you meant a lot to me jr I want to keep you in my life"
"Few weeks ago I thought you move on and Jeff is around you all the time"
Jeff and I were neighbors like the family knew you they knew Jeff if Jeff was going to get some he would beat you to it"
He smile leaning to kiss her,  "I got something for you close your eyes" Sarah did junior out the flame from under the stove put his hand inside his pocket and pull out the diamond ring his grandmother gave him he slide it on her finger and she opened up her eyes and grasp as she look on her finger,
"Marry me Sarah" he said
"Are we going to get married because?" She looks at her tummy?"
"I'm marrying you because I'm in love with you but I'm doing it now because of the child I probably would ask at a later date"
"I'll marry you yes"
"Promise me Sarah we won't fight again"
Sarah nod "ok" she said hugging him kissing him
"I love you so much baby" she whispered
"Let's not fight ever again Sarah I felt as if my mind was going wild"
They both giggle he turn her around holding her tightly as they embrace the happy moments,
The phone ring and he walk to it Sarah still on his hips as he take it from the wall hand it to Sarah,
Angela was calling to see if she had got home alright and to scold her for not calling,
"Sorry sis I won't forget next time, it's just that the man in my life is so distracting I gets so carried away on seeing him" she speak while looking at him he grin and she rub his cheek,
"Sis I swear I heard you often call him bad boy Harry junior, but aren't you wrong, around me he's like a sweet little pet"
He was grinning even more the more she said something pertaining to him he grins harder until it eventually emerge in to laughter,
"We'll talk later"
"Ok sis" Angela said smiling at the way her little sister sounded happy,
When the phone hang up Sarah fully face junior once more, he kiss her,
"Let's eat"  junior said leading Sarah to the table and dish her a nice dish of chop vegetables half steam and with  tofu,
"Tofu?" Sarah ask as she dig through the pile of vegetables
"Well yeah" he said as he came and sat down, "it was in your refrigerator"
"I  was shopping in a hurry I thought it was cheese"
Junior burst into deep laughter, "I'm convince now that you're crazy since that day you walk into my driving car I saw it and you did it twice"
Sarah giggle I thought I was ginks for twice you nearby kill me I became nervous, when we goodly met at office you cause me to get overwhelmed with nervousness that nervousness overwhelmed me more each time,
That morning I woke up in your bed"
Junior smile
"I was scared for I thought you were up to no good I like you but you were this sort of guy who hop in to one bed and into another make love over the phone"
On hearing her said that junior laugh "I wasn't really like that it's just that I didn't take on any serious relationship I didn't want to get married I wasn't sure about fatherhood but Sarah I want to have something with you"
"Something more than the baby?" Sarah ask they both giggle,
"Since the baby isn't a thing I'm thinking marriage, you moving in with me"
"It's going to be two expensive you should move here at Least we'll manage to get the rent easier"
"Sarah I don't pay rent the house is mine" junior said
Sarah eyes widened,
"You own it and the Colorado home"
"I own that two, Sarah that organization we stop belong to me, and the sports wear store all me"
Sarah get a picture of the places she went in Colorado with junior and the way the people react to him and the picture on the store, the one she think move when junior had came to the car, she widened her eyes even more, "so my friend was right" she said
"So you remember her name?"
"Well she's your friend right and I want to know your friends"
"Why so you can keep tap on me?"
Junior shook his head and smile, he was construst of what he was doing for the first time and what he was doing was right having Sarah in his life was right and he was definitely marrying her,
"I have just one thing to say, although I for give you for taking advantage of me that night doesn't meant I forget it apologize to me" she point a finger;
Junior laugh, "ok" he said moving closer to her taking her hand in his, Sarah the night you got drunk and I took you home it wasn't to have sex I came out the club and those guys the same guys from the time"
"You mean the ones who hang out in front the club the ones who try to beat you up?"
Junior nod "I had to get you away from them put you in my car and decided to take you to my place and play a game on you"
"So you didn't make out like you said?"
"I wanted to you were naked in front of me and looking so damn good I wanted to be all over you and inside of you, but you had no idea what was going on and I wasn't going to take advantage of you Sarah I just let you bathe left you naked to let you think we had sex"
"Jerk" Sarah grumble poking him,
"All those stuff I said was just for you to react, I pause on the day you came to me for I discovered it was your first time, I knew I had to do right by you"
Sarah slap him and they both smile, "I love you" Sarah whispered
"How much, how much do you love me?"
"A hundred percent, I think" Sarah smile leaning in to kiss him,
"So now that you're going to have a baby, what will you do?"
"I'll continue working for my dad until the baby is near"
He nod his approval knowing the type of woman she is he wasn't going to tell her to do other wise for what Sarah wants she gets,
Sarah didn't knew junior walk in the kitchen until his arms came across and snatch a pancake from the pile in front of her,
"Baby that's hot" she said
"Not as hot as you and I still handle it right" he said sliding his free hand up her thighs,
Sarah shake him away
"What I can't touch you?"
"No too much touching look what it has cause" she point to her belly,
"What?" Junior tease looking at her belly "I can't see a thing"
Sarah frown as she hand him a cup of coffee "don't you have work?"
"Yes but today I took the day off to spend time with you"
She face him, point a finger, "don't ever feel I'm going to want you moping around me at all times"
"Alright I get it" he said putting away the cup he held her tightly and kisses her,
"Mmmh" Sarah said wrapping her arms around him, "I must say I do like the attention"
"Oh yeah"
Her head nod, "take me back to bed"
Junior lift and carry her to the bedroom where they have another share of love
Sarah saddle him between her thighs moving her hips up and down as quickly as possible, junior grip her hip to keep her steady,
"Should you be doing it like this?" he ask "what about the baby"
"Nothing will happen to the baby" Sarah told him bending to kiss him as she came to a climax, she later went to sleep junior view Sarah's naked body laying in bed he picture her wearing a wedding gown he picture her with a baby in his arms a sweet little girl like her self, a smile spread across his face
Sarah open her eyes to see him just standing there, "what happened to you?" She ask lifting her head,
"It's you that happen to me" he said coming to sit with her
"Why for I'm naked and you're becoming hypnotized by, by my beauty, don't it will trapped you"
" I have no problem getting trapped with you"
He smile "I am already trapped anyway" he rub her tummy, "i think I want this baby to be a girl"
"Give her three years then we go for a son"
"You never said anything about a baby making machine" she grumble and they both grin rubbing foreheads
"Let's get married before we make anymore plans" junior said "yes we'll share the news on Christmas day and get married in the middle of January"
Sarah look at him as if it was a big joke
"You're not excited?" He ask
"And this is what you want?" Sarah ask
"Sarah this is what we both want don't it"
Sarah nod
"Then let's do it"
She nod her agreement and junior held her tightly,
"Merry Christmas" Mr and Mrs Hamlin walk in to Junior's apartment where Sarah sat with junior and her family awaiting their arrival"
"Merry Christmas" they replied in unison,
"Oh Sarah how are you feeling today!" Junior mother ask as he shower Sarah with hugs,
"I got you a gift" she said taking our a cute monkey suit from a bag, "I know it's early but I'm so excited I couldn't help it I'm going to be a grand mother, and I have you to thank"
Sarah smile as she hug her again,
"Thank you Mrs Hamlin" Sarah said invites her to sit as she sit also,
Junior call for drinks and they sat to talk before dinner,
"Sarah and I decided to get married in mid January"
"Mid January?" Petra ask
"You shouldn't have to rush marriage because of the baby"
"Its not a matter of rushing because of the baby Mrs Winters but if we're going to be living together raising our child it might as well be as husband and wife"
Angela roll her eyes
"So when will it be for I have to go back to school, so does my husband and children I don't want to miss my sister's wedding"
"How could you miss your sister wedding Angie and you are going to be apart of it"
Angie smile taking Sarah by her hand she was in a happy  mode Angela could tell, she had so much to be thankful for, she knew the relationship didn't took as long to build like hers did but could see how happy her sister is
"I was starting to wonder if I wouldn't be playing my part" Angela said,
"No sis you have to play apart" Sarah smile squeezing on her sister palm,
After marriage she move here permanently"
"So you going to pay rent all your life?" Angela ask
"The house belong to me Angie and will belong to your sister soon"
Sarah smile as he pull her palm in his rubbing her finger along the ring line, "half of my belongings belong to her I want her to feel comfortable in this marriage"
"I am comfortable weather or not I get half of what you own jr" Sarah said
Junior was sure but didn't mine at all if they were going to do this it has to be the right way,
"Ouch" junior said when Sarah unexpectedly pinch him
"What?" He ask as she came around to face her, she grin and he made his face to look angry, caught her at the waist and held her tightly to him "now you'll have to pay" he said nibbling at her neck as she giggled breathlessly,
He lift her on him as he began walking to the elevator his firm grip on her bottom make Sarah felt as if she was back in time when they collide in the lobby at work and he held her to keep her from falling, she felt the need for him then as she's now but the difference is she don't have to hide how much she wants him for already he's her man her finance for they're getting married in January only a month away, and she's moving in permanently, within a couple of months she'll have his baby hopefully the baby girl he wants,
Sarah laugh when she land on the bed and bounce off, junior body came over her her legs open as he lay between them she wrapped them around him bringing him down his hardness poke her and at that moment Sarah wish they were both naked, he wanted to get up get naked so he could enter her but the feel of each other neither wanted to move for a while they lay gazing in to each other eyes until he felt his weight was becoming unbearable,
"We should take a shower" junior said leaving the bed, pulling her with him.
After a little love making they took a long shower, it was still Christmas day for them for it wasn't yet midnight, after sex they were feeling hungry and have another share of ham Sarah make her way into a dish of strawberry ice cream and cheese cake,
Junior knew her to eat a lot but never saw her eat so much he imagine what she's going to look like in a few months time when she started showing,
Sarah look up and saw him watching
He smiled at her,
"What now?"
"I know baby that you are eating for two but did you have to make it so obvious that you're very greedy" Sarah grin and giggle as he lean in and kiss away the ice cream left on her lips,
As the days extended it draws closer to Sarah's wedding she was becoming anxious to be married to junior he on the other hand couldn't wait to marry the one woman that he had ever love
"The soon to be Mrs hamlin" Sarah heard someone said but before she could turn a set of hands came around her waist and kisses on her cheek,
"Jr!" She said with a giggle"
He turn her facing him she cuff his smiling face as they share a deep kiss,
"Let's go to my office" he whispered,
Sarah knew once they went to his office it's no doubt what's going to happen it always does
"Not now"
"Why not now what you trying to prevent you can't get pregnant again you are already pregnant"
Sarah grin take his hand leading him to his office as they walk by quickly Laila look at them the door closes and all she could hear was continuous grinning,
There was once when she believes that she was going to be the woman in Junior's life but he never showed any interest but he became so caught up in Sarah now they were getting married while expecting a child,
"Miss Laila hold all my calls" junior said coming out his office after a few minutes in with Sarah,
"Yes sir Laila said rolling her eyes with jealously, as she with jealously believes that junior do Sarah much more than he was doing his job,
But the company has improved so much under his management and has open up his doors to many costumers expand business for they have now three offices in three locations, things weren't just happening between Sarah's leg it was moving around, and she too has reap some of the benefits she got employee of the year got a raise and bonus too,
Sarah wasn't surprised Abit for she too believe she was the one who deserves it,
Junior flew to Colorado three days before he is to get married to Sarah with promise to return on time for the wedding,
Since she move in with him and the apartment in which she lived was no longer her's because she was getting married she had to stay over her parents as traditional saying a man should not meet his bride before the wedding, as she thought they wouldn't live together before the wedding but little by little junior move her in until eventually she's living with him fully,
"I think it's nonsense" Sarah grumble" as she rest her hand up on her cheek,
"It's only for a couple of hours baby" Donald said,
"Yeah besides he's not even home yet" Angela said,
"I'm surprised that you would be so anxious to see a man" Petra said
"He's not just any man mom he's my man, my husband to be,the only man and the best man that a girl could have and he's mine"
She lift her head to look at her sister and mother who both stood hoovering over her with a smile, that got Sarah wondering what is so funny.
Sarah stood facing the mirror staring on her reflection, she was getting married unbelievable how she's getting married, today is a very special day for her the beginning of a very special life, the first  man
She felt in love with was tieing himself to her they are having a baby, she held her tummy with her thoughts, rubbing along the buldge in her wedding dress, usually when two people get married when a woman got pregnant they call it a shot gun wedding but Sarah didn't care shot gun or not she's marrying Harry Hamlin junior,

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