Chapter 1-3, 2, 1 click!

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       " Omg Lexi i can't beleive we might get tickets!" Lexi and Morgan we sitting in Morgan's room staring at the clock. They could win Luke Bryan concert tickets if they clicked the It's go time button at 4:36pm. Morgan had 1500000 pictures of Luke Bryan pictures in her room. "Morgan it's 4:35!!" Lexi said.

        Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. the clock needed to hurry up. ITS TIME MORGAN CLICK THE BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!! Lexi screamed. Morgan it the button and got the tickets. AHHHHHHHH WE GOT THE TICKETS LEXI! They also got 3 other tickets. One for Lexi, Morgan, Kaylee, Chloe, and Morgan's mom.

        Lexi and Morgan called there friends and tweeted to everyone that they got Luke Bryan VIP concert tickets.

        Beep, beep, beep. That was the sound that happened when Morgan got an e-mail. She quickly opened her laptop, looked at the e-mail, and screamed. HAYES GRIER IS GOING TO GIVE US A TOUR OF THE STAGE AND BACKSTAGE!!!!!! Lexi and Morgan were so happy.

        The concert was in two days so they decided to pick out there outfits for the concert.

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