rp with Bambam_dabs_alot, Jungkook_isabunny, and weed4242 Part 1

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pics don't belong to me or anyone who worked on this story. please enjoy our randomness. Characters that don't exist that don't belong to us is in this story. and real-life people that also don't belong to us. just a fair warning.



Created on 7/1/19


Hyunjin: Hallo~ ;)

Grima (I know ur secretly judging): hey...

Jungkook: Jello!

Hyunjin: I need advice!! :(

Grima: advice for killing someone?

Hyunjin: No~!!

Jungkook: Are you single again?

Hyunjin: Yes...

Grima: oh... that sucks

Hyunjin: that's why I need <3 advice!!

Grima: welp I got nothing, I'm not the person to be asking.

Jungkook: Well I mean... I'm not good with that kind of stuff...

Hyunjin: I need all the help I can get. When I try and talk to her I stutter

Grima: Uhhh, you can kidnap her and force her to love you idk.

Hyunjin: HOW?!

Grima: what do you mean "how" You just do it.

Jungkook: Ask one of your EX's...

Hyunjin: Umm I don't think that will work... do y'all even know what I look like?

Grima: No. (the bluntest person you will ever meet)


Hyunjin: Annnnd I'm kinda awkward soo

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Hyunjin: Annnnd I'm kinda awkward soo.

Hyunjin has left the chat.

Grima: Well then.

Jungkook: lol.

Grima: what to do now.

Hyunjin has joined the chat.

Grima: make up your mind.

Hyunjin: I tried to make her a song but when I was walking to her I tripped... it was embarrassing


Jungkook: #Notsmooth

Grima: I wouldn't know how "embarrassing" feels.

Jungkook: Just make it smooth.

Hyunjin: What should I do??!! It's only around her!

Grima: I've never "dated" before, I do not know.

Hyunjin: That's sad man.

Grima: not really. I'm a half evil dragon that kills people.

Hyunjin: hot

Hyunjin: Well I gtg I'm going to try and just talk to her. NO IM GOING TK WRUTE SKXH A POEM

Grima: okay, I'll go kill some people

Hyunjin: Bye bae.

Grima has left the chat

Hyunjin has left the chat

Jungkook has left the chat

That's part one folks we'll see about part two later.

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