Part I - Chapter 01

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"…the Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown…"

Genesis 6:4


As most people know, little girls are not all peaches and cream.

Oftentimes, they can be a handful.

And that's before they learn how to fly.


Such a little girl was now hovering by the balcony doors, held up by nothing, just floating in the air, right at the very top, where flowery curtains hung upon a railing that spanned the width of the doorway.

Nicole flicked a glance out over to her daughter. "Wendy?"

No answer.

A little louder. "Wendy?"

The girl who could fly was young, no more than three years old. She had pink-red eyes, a healthy glow to her white cheeks and strawberry blonde locks upon her wee head, now bright and on fire like lava from a volcano. Her tongue was sticking out one side of her mouth, while her finger was busy wiggling behind the curtain, reaching as far as it will go, fishing for a spider that had crawled in there somehow and could not get itself out again.



"Wendy. Feet on the ground."

Wendy screwed up her eyebrows. "But there's no one here…oo!" She smiled. The spider had finally crawled onto her finger.

"Have you finished your work?"

The toddler sighed. "No, Mama." She removed her hand from the curtain and twisted it around as the creature inched its way over onto her palm.

"Well, then?"

With a droop to her shoulders, the child drifted back down to earth. She trudged over to her own table that was lined up at the wall beside her mother's, still holding her newfound friend in her palm. She laid her hand down on the table and the spider crawled off and away. "Be more careful next time…"

Nicole raised her brow at that.

"…well, I know it's a big place but…well…yes, just be careful…"

Nicole crossed her arms over her chest. "So, you talk to bugs now?"

Wendy turned to her mother. She grinned, showing her teeth.

"When did this start?"

"Last week." She shrugged. Easing out her chair, she weaved around and plopped down into it.

"I…" Nicole shook her head.

"It's okay, Mama." Wendy shifted her chair forward. "They don't have a lot to say."

Nicole sat back and sighed.

While her own table was good and tall like a normal work desk, Wendy's was short and just right for a three-year-old. It had a half-height, stunted chair to match and now the little girl went to adjust it again, sliding it forward and back until it was just the right distance from what she had been working on previously.

Tree of Life Book IIIWhere stories live. Discover now