The day after everything happen with Liam and holly. Lilla was so upset that she didn't go to school for days because she knows that Liam and holly are now dating because she saw them tougher at the movies because she went with her family and she saw them holding hand and says that he loves her more then he ever loved anyone before in he's life. And lilla never thought that the guy that said that he loves her will ever say that he never loves her ever. And in the movie she saw them kissing a lot throughout. And she had to walk out of the movies because she couldn't deal with it so she just lift but Liam followed her out and holly was inside still watching the movie. And Liam had to talk to lilla.
And ruin after her and he said lilla what wrong why are you walking o it of the movies don't you remember you broke up with me so why are you getting upset because I am on a date with someone else don't you get it you where the one who broke up with me. And lilla said after that. Well you are the one who cheated on me and I still love you don't you get it I do want to be your gf again don't you get it. And Liam said lillia what are you talking about you where the one who broke up with me but and yes I still love you and I do want to be your bf but what about holly I don't want to hurt her.
Just tell her the truth ok she will understand it might hurt for now but it will get easy for her a bit later ok but we should be together ok.