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Author's prov
A blonde haired woman walks into her guild and looks for her husband. She sees him standing at the job request board. She walks over and wraps her arms around his waist. He looks down at her and smiles some. "Luce." He says. "Natsu are you going on another job?" She questions. He sighs and lays his own hands over her hands. "I must Luce. We have a baby on the way. I must collect enough money to help raise her. She will need to eat and so will we." He says. She frowns. "How do you know it is a girl? It could be a boy." She counters. He turns in her arms and wraps his around her and holds her gently. He leans down close to her ear and smirks. "I just know my Luce." He says. She sighs. "Either way I want to spend time with you. You are always gone." She whines. He kisses her neck softly then turns breaking the embrace between the two. He grabs a job. "I'm sorry Luce. I will stay a few days after this job okay. I love you." He says. She nods and he kisses her. He tells the master he is leaving and leaves. Lucy walks to the bar and sits down. She lays her hand over her baby bump and sighs. "Natsu leaving again?" A white haired guild member asks. "Yes. He said he needs to make money to take care of our baby. I think he is just scared and not sure what to do. This was kind of suddenly and surprised us." She says. She smiles. "He will make a great father." She says. "Thanks Mira. Can I get some water please?" She asks the woman. "Of course. Got to stay hydrated." She cheerfully says. Shw gets the new mother a glass of water and even something to eat. She drinks and eats happily. Her guild master walks over. "So how are things Lucy?" She asks. "Everything is doing well. Natsu stays gone so I'm normally home alone or either here. He said I'm not allowed to go on jobs." She answers. "He is right. You need to rest. When I was pregnant with Kanye Jellal didn't let me go on jobs either. Said it would tire me out to easily. He was right too. That is why Macao had to take ever for a bit. Now isn't to much easier but a bit easier." She says. Lucy smiles at her. "Speaking of which, where is Kanye?" She asks. "With Jellal visiting Midnight and the others that didn't join the guild." She answers. Lucy nods. "Well hopefully when the baby comes it gets easier." I say. "It won't be to hard on you. You will have me and the others in the guild. It's only hard on me because of being guild master and raising a one year old." She says. She nods. "Yes it must be hard." She says. The two talk about everything until a noise disrupts them. The one wall of the guild hall is completely destroyed and an unknown group is standing there. "Lucy get back!" Her guild master orders. She jumps up and stands in front of the pregnant blonde. One man walks in. "I am looking for a Dragneel." He says. Lucy tenses up and is shaking some. "What do you want with the Dragneel family?" The master demands. "Well it would seem that a new one is on the way. I am here to make sure the blood line ends." He smirks. A sword appears in the master's hand and she narrows her eyes. "You will not lay a hand on any of my guild!" She warns. He laughs and steps towards her. Only someone appears from nowhere and takes out over half his people and grabs hold of him. "You dear threaten to kill my unborn child! You will pay for his." He says. His voice demonic and full of evil. Before he gets the change to kill the guy he uses transportation magic and disappears. The angry mage growls and spins around. Only the dark wizards are long gone. "Natsu it is a good thing you was here." One person says. He ignores them and goes to his wife and holds her close. "I will not leave again. I'll stay here by your side no matter what. I won't let anyone lay a hand on you." He says to her. The guild is in aw at his protectiveness over her and their unborn child. Everyone goes to rebuilding the guild hall and works together. A woman with blue hair walks over to Lucy. "Lu are you okay?" She asks. "Yes. I am fine. A little shaken but fine." She responds with a slight smile. The woman relaxes and rubs her swollen belly. "How are you doing Levy?" Lucy says. She smiles. "I am okay. Wish this little one would settle down and rest. He/she is constantly kicking and squirming about." She says. Lucy smiles at her and nods. "You are almost due aren't you?" She asks. She thinks. "About three weeks or so left. Not much longer." She says. Natsu looks at her. "Well it will be good when the baby comes. Gajeel has been more sensitive here lately." He says. Levy laughs some. "Yes he is nervous. This is our first child." She says. The couple nods. "Well I'm happy for you both." Lucy says. Levy smiles. "As we are for you. If you need help just let me know. You have seven months still to go. It is not going to be easy I tell you that." She says. The two laugh happily. "Thank you Levy. You are an amazing friend." She says. "Glad to help." She says The girls talk while Natsu sits next to his wife to protect her. Suddenly a woman with light brown hair walks over. "Hey Lucy." She calls. Lucy looks up at her guildmate. "What is it Evergreen?" She asks kindly. Evergreen stands in front of Lucy. "What will you do if you child takes after E.N.D?" She asks. Lucy tilts her head confused. "What do you mean Ever?" Levy asks. She sighs. "You know, born a demon." She says. Lucy huffs and crosses her arms. "So what? It doesn't matter. Either way I will love him." She says. "Her." Natsu says. She narrows her eyes at her husband. "Okay no arguing. No one knows what gender it is." Levy says laughing some. Natsu nods. "Levy is right. Either way the baby will be loved. Demon, not demon, girl, or boy. It doesn't matter at all." He says as he pulls Lucy to him. She smiles and leans against him. "Natsu is right. It doesn't matter if he/she is a demon. We will raise him/her to be a good person." Lucy says. Evergreen nods. "Okay. As long as it doesn't kill everyone or be like it's uncle." She says. Natsu narrows his eyes angry. "She will not be like him!" He growls. She backs up slightly afraid of him. "Natsu calm down. It will be okay."  Lucy says. He holds her to him and tries calming down. A few years ago he would have calmed down rather easily but not now. Back then he was just Natsu but now he is E.N.D. A demon from the books of Zeref. Now his temper is hard to calm down and he loses control at times. Especially when it comes to his wife.
3 years later Vera's prov
Mommy and Daddy are inside the guild and I am outside playing with my best friend Emory. She is a few months older than me but we are both still only three. "Look it's that freak kid!" Someone says. I stop playing and stand here frowning. Emory huffs and turns. She then hits the guy who said it. He yells out and soon others are running out. Her dad grabs her quickly and daddy kneels next to me. "Emory what are you doing? I told you no attacking people." Her dad scolds. "But daddy he called Ve a freak." She whines. He looks at me then the man. He steps past her and goes to hit him only Emory's mother grabs his arm. "Let me go shrimp!" He growls. "No. What he said was wrong but no fighting." She warns. He narrows his eyes. "No messing with this guild! Vera is not a freak but a valued member of Fairy Tail." He warns the man. Daddy picks me up and I hold onto his neck. "Gajeel is right. Don't mess with my daughter or any other member." He warns. The man leaves with the people he was with. Gajeel turns to us. "Let's go inside." He dully says. We go inside and mommy walks over. "What happened?" She asks worried. "Some guy called her a freak. Emory attacked him." Daddy says. She gasps and grabs me and daddy let's her. I hold onto her and lay my head down. "No one likes me." I say sadly. She holds me tightly. "Don't say that. Me and your father love you. The guild does as well." She says. I close my eyes and try not to cry. She rubs my back and sighs. "Don't worry baby girl." She says. "Luce why don't you go home. Vera needs some rest." Daddy says. "Are you sure?" She says. He hugs us. "Go on home. I'll be home later." He says. She nods and they kiss. Mommy then carries me out. I open my eyes and watch where we go. Several watch with disgust. "Mommy." I say. "Yes sweetie?" She asks. "Why does the world have to be so mean to people who are different?" I ask. She sighs. "It is complicated baby girl. You are too young to understand. Just remember all that matters is those who care about you. As long as you have family and friends it doesn't matter what others say or do." She says. I lift my head and look at her. "Mommy one day when I'm big I'mma be as great as you." I say smiling big. She laughs and hugs me. "Oh Vera you are something else. How did I get so lucky." She says. I hug her happily. It isn't to long till we get home. Mommy opens the door and we go inside. She sets me down and I look up at her. "Why don't we make some cookies." She suggests. My eyes brighten and I run to the kitchen. I trip and fall but get up. I keep running and she laughs. I go to the ice box and grab some cookie dough. Before I can do anything mommy grabs it. I frown and look up. "But mommy!" I whine. She laughs. "We have to bake them silly." She says. I giggle at her happily. "When will Happy be over again?" I ask as I climb on top a stool. "Not sure. He has a baby to help take care of." She says. I tilt my head. "I wanna meet her!" I whine making a pouty face. She laughs and rubs my head. "Let's get these started." She says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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