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Loki was dead.
No doubt about it.
The pure strength from Thanos' hand on his throat was enough to finally put an end to the God of Mischief forever. Thor slouched, grieving over his dead brother as he had once before. Only difference this time, it was not fake. This time, it was real and deep down, Thor knew that. Usually something would have happened by now, usually he would pop out from behind a corner just to annoy Thor. He wanted this to be one of his foolish tricks, but he knew that Thanos was right. There was no coming back this time.
"Brother, you fool! You should never have taken the tesseract..." Thor shouted at his brother's lifeless body, hoping that something, anything would give.
Thor waited.
And waited.
An hour had passed; if this was to be a trick, the effort Loki must have gone to convince Thor must have been greater than any trick he had pulled before. "You've kept this up for far too long now, please. Come back..." Thor desperately shouted; he was beginning to give up hope.
It was no use.
He was dead.
Thor had given up altogether. The realisation had hit him and the tears came flooding out of his saddened eyes onto his dead brother's corpse. Unexpectedly, Loki's body started to fade away into a green mist until Thor was left snivelling on the ground next to nothing.
"What?" Thor wipes his eyes. This must be a trick of his mind. Or was it one of Loki's tricks? If so, why hadn't his brother come to announce it already?  "You're just grieving, that didn't really happen...your mind is playing tricks on you that's all.." Thor tried to reassure himself. All of a sudden, something struck Thor's mind as strange. Loki had gone to stab Thanos with his left hand. Loki was right handed; he was more dominant with his right hand. Thor recalled various other moments where Loki had tricked him, and whenever he was a hologram, he was left handed. This gave Thor a spark of hope that maybe, just maybe, Loki had been a hologram the whole time. He was so confused, he didn't know the difference between what was real and was was not any more. "Loki? I know this is a trick." Truthfully he didn't know at all. He just wanted it to be. So he said it, in hope of there being a chance that it was. He stood up slowly, before a light breath made itself known on the back of Thor's neck, making him swivel himself around in a flash. "Show yourself!"
There was nothing and no one there at all.
Thor was still utterly convinced that his grief was the culprit of these strange delusions, until, out of the corner of his eye he saw something move. "Loki?.." Thor questioned quietly, still unsure if he was seeing things or not. "I'm not mad if it's a trick just please, come back to me..." Thor pleaded, with pure hurt buried in his tone.
"Oh brother..." Thor twisted his head around to see Loki slowly emerging from behind a tall pillar. "Do you truly think I would leave you?" Thor had tears in his eyes, he was both so happy to see his brother again, but so angry that if he really was there, he had done this again. Put him through all this hurt and grieving, again. Thor wasn't sure what to make of the situation, but he had to know if he was really there. Thor grabbed the nearest chunk of rubble and launched it right at Loki, hitting him swiftly in the chest. "Ouch." Loki said painlessly, whilst a grin emerged on his face as he knew what Thor had discovered. It pained him to learn this was another one of his brother's childish tricks; he was so furious in the moment, he lunged at Loki with full force, toppling him to the ground. "Careful, don't want to kill me properly this time do you?" Loki quickly said, a little shocked at his brother's sudden outburst.
"How could you do this to me again!" Thor bellowed in his brother's face before roughly picking him up by his shoulders, not letting him loose from his grip. Loki smirked at Thor's entanglement.
"Heheh, I thought you said you weren't mad."
"Of course I'm mad, you caused me uncalled for grief!" Thor gripped Loki's shoulders tightly. "I've had to deal with your death four times, don't you think you've hurt me eno-" Thor was abruptly cut off as Loki grew tired of Thor's rambling, and quickly found a way to shut him up. Without a warning, Loki had placed his lips on Thor's forcefully making him jolt back in surprise. "Brother, what in the nine realms are you doing?!"
"Well I'm not really your brother for starters." Loki said mischievously as Thor shook his head in disapproval.
"That doesn't make this right!"
"Maybe not. But it does make it fun." Loki got closer to Thor until he could feel his breath against his skin once more. "Look, I'm here now, so let me give you the full pleasure of my existence..." Loki teased, before placing his hand on Thor's cheek and planting another kiss on his lips. Thor tried to prise Loki's insistent hands off of him, but he was too persistent for Thor to stop this. He had the strength to push his brother to the ground, but for some reason, he let it happen.
"Brother, why do you insist on doing this?"
"Well you've already swept me off my feet once." Thor smirked as he finally gave in, and finished his brother's sentence:
"So why not do it again?" Thor swept Loki up into his arms and kissed him passionately. Loki ran his fingers through Thor's hair as Thor returned the favour. Thor pulled the younger male closer; he couldn't get enough. Their mouths moved together in a soft rhythm; Loki parted from the kiss, instead planting more kisses upon Thor's cheek, down to his neck. He couldn't keep in the urge any longer, a soft moan escaped Thor's mouth: "Loki.."

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