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Emotion: power,control,authority,discipline,elegance

Used to: hide feelings,intimidate,radiate authority,create fear,associate with mystery

"I've got a few more boxes left but that's just my poor decoration",Jongdae said while carrying the box to his living room, with a phone pressed between his shoulder and ear, "I like the apartment though.It could've been worse"

He received a snort on the other side of the line, "Everything's better than a cold room with no private bathroom in a building full of eight hundred people.Me and Chanyeollie would drop by tomorrow to see you if you don't mind?",his best friend offered.

Jongdae smiled to himself,put the heavy box on a wooden table and took the phone into his hand, "Of course I don't mind Baek,I miss you two but I might be actually busy tomorrow morning,so if you want to come it's better in the afternoon"

His friend gasped, "You found someone and didn't tell me?Kim Jongdae!"

"No Baekhyun,I haven't found anyone",Jongdae rolled his eyes even though he knows his friend cannot see him, "I applied for a job in some bank in the center of Seoul.If I receive an email from their secretaries until tonight,I need to come to meeting tomorrow at 8 to give my biography and what not..."

"Oh already?That's great to know,I'm sure they will accept you,you have a great experience and a good diploma",Baekhyun said reassuringly, "Are you nervous?"

Jongdae sighed while lifting another box, "Honestly I am.The bank is one of the biggest in the whole Korea and the celery is amazing.Besides,I want to work somewhere where I will actually have something to do,you know?",Jongdae said and started sorting things around his bedroom after putting his friend on speaker, "As I said,the bank is huge.They will always have something for their employees to do and you know that I'm a workaholic"

"Yeah,that's all really sweet and I'm really excited for you,but what happened with your stubborn decision to be a vocal teacher in some music school after finishing with uni?",Baekhyun asked clearly curious.

"I still have that in mind but I would rather focus on this for now.I need some real money so I could maybe open my own little school in the future",Jongdae said while putting his favorite books on a new and clean shelf, "Not really sure that it will happen but I can dream about it right?"

A soft voice hummed, "Of course you can.Oh!One last thing,please tell your mom to come home as soon as possible and get her dogs because Chanyeol is refusing the fact that they won't be in our house any longer",Baekhyun said with a low voice, "He will start crying I swear"

Jongdae laughed while putting his turquoise curtains over his big clean white windows, "Actually she came here this morning to bring me some food because I have nothing in my fridge...She didn't came to take the puppies yet?"

"No?",Baekhyun mumbled and stayed quiet for a few moments, "Chanyeol!",suddenly annoyed voice growled before hanging up on Jongdae.

He laughed at his friends' childish behavior but continued struggling with his curtains for awhile before he gave up and decided to take a deserved shower, "I think I'm done",he said to himself and smiled in satisfaction.

He is a twenty five year old with two diplomas, who moved from a small cold room in the university to a just a bit bigger apartment in the middle of Seoul.He is a third wheel to his two best friends who are in love since middle school and a child of divorced parents who fought and parted just because he's a homosexual.His father never supported him in any way while his mother was always there for him whenever he needed it.Whether to sign him up to a sport he liked or take him to some vocal lessons every saturday,she was just always there.

He has a small,not so strong body which he's trying to build up by going to the gym every monday,wednesday and friday with Chanyeol now that he finished his university,a beautiful face brightened up by his cat-alike lips, dark eyes and a dark short hair neatly pushed up off his forehead.Oh,and his name is Kim Jongdae.

He was humming along his favorite song while applying skincare creams all over his face in front of his new bathroom mirror,when he suddenly heard a notification from his laptop, "Shit", he mumbled,abandoned his creams and rushed to his living room where his laptop was already waiting for him.

A few nervous clicks later he waited for his mail to open with clenched fists and a pair of excited eyes.He really wants that job.

"Kim Jongdae,as we've read your application for a few times...", Jongdae whispered for himself,eyes moving left and right while following formally written and precise sentences, "...we would like you to know that..."

Jongdae's heart started racing as he was approaching to the end of the big message which should just tell him if he's accepted or not, "'ve filled our current expectations and we are waiting for you to come tomorrow with your biography and diplomas at eight o'clock for your job interview.We need to make sure that you're truly capable of doing this job.Greetings from the 'headquarters' of the bank 'Elyxion' "

Jongdae raised his arms in the air and wiggled his hips in celebration, "Hell yes,I did it!",he yelled and grabbed his phone.

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