692 37 7

Emotion: reliability,stability,honesty,comfort,natural

Used to: stabilize,imply common sense,suppress emotion,create warmth

The next morning (just a few minutes before 8am) ,Jongdae walked into the bank 'Elyxion' wearing his favorite beige raincoat and his job uniform underneath it as Sehun required.

As he was approaching the elevator he spotted the said work colleague whom he saw last night,speaking to a short lady by the counter while leaned on his elbows (which made his shoulders more incredibly wide) and probably waiting for Jongdae.

Raincoat man with long sleeves over his tiny hands walked to the tall man and bowed, "Hello,I'm here",he smiled and the other guy was clearly satisfied to see him.

"Right on time Jongdae,very good",Sehun nodded, "Our boss doesn't tolerate when someone is late so you're already filling up one condition"

He said and a moment later moved Jongdae's raincoat over his shoulders, "And the uniform,good.Now,we can FINALLY start with a bank tour",he winked.

Smiling at the comment, Jongdae followed Sehun to the center of the ground level,the place for counters.Sehun turned around and waved with a hand, "As you know this is a ground floor and it's reserved for people who work behind the counters,reception for lost people/newcomers and people who are coming here to pay the bills,get money...exedra",he said and clicked the button on the elevator to open the door.

As they walked in he continued while Jongdae looked around,being able to see the ground floor and upcoming floors because of the glass/see through-elevator, "The first floor is where bookkeepers work.As you can see there are a lot of customers coming here to talk about their financial problems,papers that they need for their business companies and contracts as well as you know"

As they were going to up to the next floors slowly (since the floors were really high comparing to other buildings' floors),Sehun continued the talk until they came to the forth floor, "On this floor we have a huge canteen where we usually hang out when it's a lunch break-"

"You can't go outside on the lunch breaks?",Jongdae asked confusingly.

"Well,we were allowed to go in the past but a lot of people were late and had their customers waiting so mr. Kim got furious and forbid us to go out.That's why we have this canteen and the reason why it's on the forth floor is because of the customers.Mr. Kim doesn't want people to see that we have it in the bank I don't know why",Jongdae's personal guide shrugged.

"Anyways,all the money that we earn and keep for the customers,we place it in the huge safe on the fifth floor",Sehun said with a bored voice probably because he's been repeating the same things all over again for the one thousandth time, "As you can see...this floor is not visible from the elevator,because it's obviously really important.So if some customer 'accidentally' goes to this floor she can't possibly know that the safe is here.Also the security is really high"

"On the sixth floor are mr. Kim's and mrs. Lee's offices and for the seventh floor...",Sehun stopped the elevator and clicked the third floor where Jongdae will be working, "Nobody actually knows"

Jongdae chuckled but Sehun was still deadly serious, "Seriously?"

"Well yeah.You don't actually know how strict mr. Kim is.He's fucked up",Sehun nodded confirming it by himself, "But you'll find out eventually"

Jongdae didn't know whether to be worried or casual about the comment but he already forgot about it as they were walking out of the elevator on the third floor.It was a floor for all financial auditors which meant around one hundred workers, "Here is our desk",Sehun said more cheerfully.

Jongdae clapped with his hands hidden underneath his long-sleeved beige raincoat, "Next to the window,hell yes",he grinned happily.

"Yeah I know,it helps me with calming my shit down sometimes",Sehun said and motioned towards Jongdae's new desk, "Unpack yourself and get ready to work hun,today is a busy day"

Jongdae nodded,took off his raincoat and started unpacking his stuff from the rucksack such as a lot of pens in different shiny colors,papers,markers,paperclips and folders.While he was doing so,a young man and an even younger looking lady came to his and Sehun's work place.

"Hi! You're our new colleague right?",lady with a sweet voice asked and offered Jongdae a hand with a small bow.

"Yes,I'm Kim Jongdae",he said and accepted the hand, "Nice to meet you"

"My name is Park Sooyoung,pleasure is all mine",she smiled ,"Are you mr. Kim's family if I may ask?"

Jongdae laughed, "We aren't.It's just a coincidence with the last name",then he turned to a much taller man in front of him,he really had a bright and beautiful smile.

"I'm Choi Minho,welcome to the Elyxion",he said showing his perfectly positioned white teeth.

"Thank you",Jongdae said a bit shy because of the such a warm welcome.

Soon Momo joined them also,with her cute black bangs slightly moved to the side and attached with a hairpin.Sooyoung greeted her joyfully and Minho pulled out his perfect smile.Jongdae already liked these people,they were pretty kind and fun even though their boss was so strict and the company too demanding.

They talked about a lot of stuff while Jongdae was setting his desk and drawers,he noticed that Sooyoung and Minho are really funny and Sehun pretty sassy for his age and looks.Momo was breathtaking and maybe Jongdae could imagine all the guys turning for her except for him sadly.Sehun,however,stopped their long chatting about this-and-thats because he clearly had a lot more to tell Jongdae about the bank.

"Okay guys,you will have a lot more occasions to talk with Jongdae,but now please leave us so I could explain him some more stuff that I forgot and you know how mr. Kim hates when we talk during work",Sehun said, pulled the newcomer's hand by muscle and dragged him towards the elevator with Jongdae bowing politely and silently saying sorry to his new team on what others reacted with giggles.

"Where are we going though?",Jongdae asked while fixing his button up and looking at the floor they were passing.

"To the canteen so we could eat something,it's breakfast time",Sehun said and handsomely walked out of the elevator into the huge canteen already filled with workers eating.

When they grabbed the trays and started ordering Jongdae glanced at the other end of the canteen being lightened up by the natural lightning coming through the huge,perfectly cleaned windows showing the half of Seoul.

Sehun and Jongdae then took the empty spots next to those windows and Jongdae now admired the view even more, "Wow,this is beautiful"

"Okay honey",Sehun said while opening his packed sandwich, "I know you're shy to ask but I'm here okay?"

Jongdae looked at him with confused expression after trying his best to open a can of soda, "Thanks but...What do I want to ask exactly?"

Sehun laughed, "You want the tea right? I'm the person for that.Now ask what you want"

Jongdae shaped an 'o' with his mouth again and nodded in understanding, "Well I'm not actually thirsty right now because I have soda,but later I could really have some green tea because all the paper work makes me hella tired",Jongdae shook his head in the memory of how paper work is actually tiring,but Sehun looked like he isn't in a mood.

With a half opened mouth Sehun just stared at Jongdae who now finally opened his doenjang soup, "Jongdae do you know what means when someone says 'tea'?"

Jongdae looked back with a spoon inches away from his mouth, "Yeah? Pretty sure..."

"Okay well",Sehun put his sandwich back on the plate,rested his elbows on a table and leaned his head on his hands, "In the modern world,in which you're sadly lost but we cool people live in,when we say 'tea' we mean gossip or some interesting stuff you know?"

"First of all ouch",Jongdae said and pouted, "And second of all,I know what that means.That's what my best friend is always saying but YOU said it so weirdly I didn't know what you've meant"

"Well yeah I could've said it more precisely but it's just not my thing,I live fast you know?Need to catch up",Sehun imitated the 'hands while running' gesture and then got back to his previous pose, "Now tell me do you have something you want to know?"

Jongdae laughed at Sehun's fun personality and then nodded, "I would really like to know more all about our boss.He seems scary but also very...kind?"

"Kind?",Sehun raised his brows.

"Well he's giving a lot of money away but he's not doing it for nothing.I've read a lot of articles about him donating it to the children's hospitals,orphanages and schools.That's really sweet of him",Jongdae said "A lot of big dicked businessmen are not giving shit about anyone or anything.They just spend their money on stupid stuff like having sex with desperate women or drinking and gambling"

Sehun looked at his new colleague ,trying not to laugh.


"Kim Jongdae are you whipped for your boss that you know for just two days?",Sehun joked.

"I am not.I ain't saying that he isn't hot because DAMN he is hot like hell,but I just seriously admire someone caring for others and doing such humane things",Jongdae shrugged.

"First of all,he can't spend his money on a sex with women because he's gay,and second of all he doesn't care about anyone Jongdae,I mean it",Sehun said and Jongdae almost spat out his soup.


"Yeah,he's so cold blooded it's not even funny anymore"

"No,no,no...I meant about,that first thing?That freaking strong-shouldered,round-eyed,strong-postured god is gay?",Jongdae said almost breathless.

"Hey! We gays are hot too. It's not my bad that you're ugly", Sehun said sassily.

"No,no,no I didn't mean it that way I just...",Jongdae inhaled, "I wanted to say that he looks like someone who attracts women with his awfully good looks and uses them for one night stands.I would never think that he's gay"

"I understand your point,I was just kidding you're not ugly.You're quite beautiful which annoys me",Sehun said and took a bite of his sandwich, "But yeah,if you knew our boss better like Momo or mrs. Lee,you could notice it quickly.It's a secret though,Jongdae don't tell anyone or I'll kill you then mr. Kim will kill me"

Jongdae shook his head aggressively, "I won't I promise...But how did you notice it?"

Sehun looked around in the crowded place to see if anyone's listening, "Well,there was a period a few years ago when mr. Kim-",he stopped, "Can we use a secret word for our boss?Like...Cat Eyes or something?"

"Yeah sure"

"Okay so a few years ago,there was a guy who was visiting Cat Eyes very often.And when I say very often I mean like,every night after all workers go to their homes and finish their shifts.Momo and I are the closest to Cat Eyes from workers,so he would always hire us for some things that he wanted to be done

"Cat Eyes' guy would always come a bit before the end of our jobs so Momo and I had to always sneak him in somehow so we could hide his identity.We don't even know how he looks like to this day,and to be honest,according to his body I wouldn't say that it was a guy but whatever.Cat Eyes was always waiting for him on the seventh floor where no one had the permission to go to,but that was just before he's gone all crazy and cold.We believe that there was something but it looked like there was nothing,we thought that it's his doctor or someone like that...Plus,he wore his gay ring to the work by accident and since just Momo and I go into his office from workers,we could only see it until he took it off once he realized he was wearing it.Wild I know",Sehun nodded and finally finished his sandwich.

Jongdae stared the whole time at Sehun,not blinking and already forgetting his now cold soup, "I still don't understand why is he so scary and cold and angry"

Sehun looked at his watch, "Let me explain you that and then we should get back to our desks,we have a lot of work to do today so eat your soup while I tell you"

Jongdae nodded and started eating his meal faster when Sehun took a small breath and intertwined his fingers.

"Well...I don't have a clue"

Jongdae stopped with a spoon in his mouth and looked up at him, "Seriously?You serve such a bad tea Sehun"

Younger gasped, "Don't you dare! I just told you the big secret because I like you and I believe you and I'm willing to let you be my best desk-buddy and you treat me like that?",Sehun shook his head.

"Okay it's not a bad tea it's just...cold you know?Old stories,nothing interesting"

"That's the point Jongdae.The old stories brought our Cat Eyes to become so cold and emotionless like the tea.All I can CONCLUDE is that something happened in the past,maybe even some multiple things,that made him so isolated and angry.I think he's really hurt but won't admit.Anyways I feel sorry for him,he won't find anyone that will make him happy again if he keeps acting like that",Sehun finished,stood up and pulled Jongdae by the hand after glancing at the watch again, "Let's go"

After a few minutes of thinking Jongdae spoke up, "Actually I think he will find someone,he just needs some time.It can't be possible that a guy like that could be alone forever"

"Last time he brought someone was six years ago sweetie,but believe in your fairy tails as much as you like",Sehun said after walking out of the elevator and heading to their desk.

"Wait how old is he again?",Jongdae asked.

"Twenty nine"

"He looks younger than me",Jongdae raised his brows.

"He looks younger than everyone but when he's mad", Sehun laughed, "You don't want to see that"

"Sehun, can you please get me the report from three years ago about the financial investment? I need it for the statistics and summary that Minho will be taking to inspection in a few days",Jongdae said with eyes focused on the paper and fingers tracing all the documents to see if he has everything he needs.

"There he is.Mister Kim number two",Sehun exhaled, "And when you think he can't get any hotter day by day"

Jongdae paused what he was doing,put his pen down and looked at Sehun, "Who?"

Sehun threw a nod towards the end of the room where a guy dressed up the same as every other male in this bank was standing the hands in his pockets, "Mister Kim Junmyeon.He says he is mr. Kim Original's brother but no one's believing that to be honest"

"Why are you drooling Sehun?"

"I'm not.I would never drool over a straight guy who is purposely attracting gays for fun when he's bored",Sehun said with bitter tone.

Jongdae widened his eyes, "Yikes,really?He looks handsome and nice though",he concluded.

"He is nice.Kinda",Sehun nodded and watched the man they were talking about entering the elevator, "He is damn rich and having the time of his life apparently.He is a part time actor actually I don't know if you've ever seen the drama 'Rich man,poor woman' ?"

"I don't watch hetero dramas but I've seen the commercials",Jongdae said ,"Can I get my paper now?"

"Oh yes,um",Sehun said and pointed up with his finger, "You'll have to go to mr. Kim for that.He has those papers at his office"

Jongdae widened his eyes,again "What?I will have to go to him?I will disturb him,he might actually yell at me I don't want that,you go!",Jongdae said feeling his hands loosing the strength they had moments ago.

"Maybe I scared you too much...",Sehun said ,"You need to show yourself to him.You need to show him that you're working right you know?He has to remember you.He doesn't give a shit about boring workers so try to stand out a little! People who are trying their hardest even go to oversea business trips which is amazing"

"I'm glad that you've already planned my whole future but no thanks",Jongdae sighed "Please you go"

"If you go by yourself for that fucking piece paper I will treat you and your friends a night out in some gay club or something.What do you say?",Sehun crossed his arms and raised his perfectly shaped brows.

Jongdae looked at him and then at his papers, "Fuck,fine", he pouted ,"Drinks are on you"

"Of course",Sehun said with a winning smile.

When Jongdae walked to the elevator,called it and finally entered he clicked the button for the sixth floor and nervously tapped his foot against the see through floor.He wished to be at least a little bit less nervous now.

"It would be nice if you could calm down Minseok",brown haired male said, "This behavior is not good for your health"

Junmyeon tried to comfort Minseok who was now standing in front of his huge windows,looking at the busy Seoul streets and cars stuck in traffic.He had his hands in his pockets and nervous,uneven breathing.

"Junmyeon do you see what they're doing?",he said and turned around to face his friend, " 'EXO'luxion'? Really?They are fucking copying us.Same number of floors,almost the same shape of the building,almost the same slogan and commercials?",Minseok went with a hand through his hair, "They really hate me"

"Wait a slogan?What slogan?"

"Ours is 'We are one' and their's is 'We are unique'",Minseok laughed coldly, "So stupid,uncreative and pathetic.I should sue them"

"I think it's a good idea",Junmyeon nodded, "Though it's not your fault...Your father started all this"

"I know but still-", just when he was about to finish his thought Minseok got interrupted by the knocking on the door.

"Yes?",mr. Kim half yelled and a short slim woman slowly walked in.

"Mr. Kim? Sorry to interrupt you but Kim Jongdae is here,he says he needs something from you?Mister Ooh Sehun sent him",she said with a low voice and Minseok raised a serious eyebrow.

"Tell him to come in",Minseok said and a woman quickly nodded before walking out again and mumbling something like 'Go in'.

When he entered,Jongdae bowed politely to the both Kims, "Sorry to disturb you mr. Kim"

Minseok eyed him up and down and got back to his desk, "Is everything okay?",he asked with his low,half hoarse voice with round perfectly shaped eyes focusing on Jongdae's sleepy ones.

Younger stuttered, "Yes,e-everything is fine I just need a...",Jongdae closed his eyes to remember what he needed, "Report about financial investment from three years ago? I need it for the statistics and Ooh Sehun said that you keep it in your documents so...",he said and looked away to calm himself.His heart suddenly couldn't stop beating.

Minseok nodded and went over to his locker to take the document his newcomer needed.Junmyeon was watching on the side,trying not to burst out laughing because of Jongdae's sudden frightened state he couldn't understand.

When the CEO found the paper,he reached to Jongdae from the back and sneaked the hand in front of the frightening guy, "Here you go"

Jongdae looked down at the hand in front of him,took the paper,quickly turned around to face Minseok much closer than before and bowed, "Thank you"

Minseok nodded elegantly,serious face refusing to show any emotion, "No problem.Have you adjusted to the bank and it's demanding work already?"

Jongdae blinked at the unexpected question and nodded slightly, "I am.Well,at least I'm trying.I also have to.I mean yes",he said nervously biting his lip and Minseok noticed it.

"Good.Best of luck",mr. Kim said and walked back to his desk with Junmyeon suppressing his laughter and Jongdae again bowing to the both of them before finally walking out of the office.

"I like him",Junmyeon finally managed to laugh, "He's a sweetheart don't you think?"

"I don't believe anyone",Minseok said looking through his window again, "But he looks like he does things in a good and professional way"

"I'm sure he gives a good head too",Junmyeon smirked, "Very professionally"

Minseok glanced over his shoulder at the younger man, "You always have those thoughts huh?"

"Kinda",man shrugged, "Don't tell me you didn't think about it too"

"I didn't"

"Liar",Junmyeon teased, "You saw his damn lips.You thought about it"

"Junmyeon I don't care about it anymore.I don't want to think about it.I don't want to think about anyone",Minseok said with a lot more irritated voice, "Don't get on my nerves"

Junmyeon raised his brows, "Wow 'kay.Sorry mister I didn't know you're sensitive like that"

"Good,now you can start taking notes",Minseok said and took the keys of his car, "Let's go eat something now"

Junmyeon's smile was back, "Hell yes,I need some food"

"It's all on you though",Minseok said while opening the office door, "For irritating me like that"

"Whatever you say"

Sehun took a look at Jongdae as he was walking back to their desk, "So?You got it?"

"I did.And I think I just embarrassed myself big time",Jongdae said.

"I'm sure it's not that bad...What happened?",Sehun's curiosity tingled Jongdae's nerves.

"He asked me how am I dealing working here,something like tha-"

Sehun raised a finger, "Hold up sweetie,he actually asked you that?Boy you're lucky"

Jongdae frowned, "Why?He literally asked me a question and I of course stuttered"

"He never asks anyone anything.I mean except mrs. Lee or other mr. Kim.He just doesn't give a shit okay",Sehun said with an impatient voice.

"Shut up,he is a normal human who can ask anyone whatever he wants do not exaggerate like that it's pointless",Jongdae fired back.

"Well it seems like you know him the best!I didn't know that someone can do that in just two days I'm impressed",Sehun said and got back to his papers.

"Whatever",Jongdae sighed and looked around before leaning towards Sehun, "I swear to god he is so hot I would suck him right fucking now if he'd wanted me to",he whispered.

Sehun laughed,his eyes again disappearing under the eyelids, "I've waited for you.Welcome",he said cheekily, "I'm glad that I've met this side of you so quickly"

Jongdae gulped and got back to his paperwork, "Okay,let's work now"

Another laugh from Sehun, "Sure"

* * *

Later that night when Jongdae came back from work and took a warm relaxing bath,Baekhyun came over to his apartment so that they could have a sleepover.They dressed themselves in their favorite cozy pajamas since it was really cold outside and a bit inside of the apartment.

"You left Chanyeol home?Alone?",Jongdae asked as he was unpacking the takeout from the bags with his best friend.

"No,he has to work in a bar tonight with some Yixing guy",Baekhyun said and put the bags in one of Jongdae's cupboards, "So I used the opportunity to torture you to death with story times and sad gay films"

Jongdae chuckled, "Fine"

"Great!",Baekhyun clapped then grabbed his takeout and jumped on the bed in the living room, " 'Brokeback Mountain' it is"

Jongdae soon joined him with his takeout and took the disk, "You know I'm emotional I don't want to drown in my own tears"

"You need to steel yourself",Baekhyun said, took a bite of his food and grabbed the newspaper from Jongdae's table.

"I know but I had a tiring day can we watch a comedy or something?",Jongdae whined and laid down to look at the ceiling.

A choke alike sound came from Baekhyun's mouth and Jongdae immediately sat up to look at his friend, " 'Young millionaire mr. Kim donates 791.112.000 wons to a children's clinic for healing one of the most scariest diseases- cancer' ?Jongdae is this your boss?"

Jongdae looked down at Baekhyun who was already staring up at him in shock, "Yeah"

Baekhyun screeched and tapped the empty spot next to him so that Jongdae could lay down, "Tell me,is he hot like he is in the picture?"

"You don't even know Baek",Jongdae sighed and accepted the spot,then dropped his head onto his forearms, "He's weird but he is hot"

"He's rich too",Baekhyun said and studied the newspapers, "No doubt"

"You know,today Sehun took me through the bank and showed me everything that I needed to see.When he talked about mr. Kim it was always something bad and weird.Almost everyone is afraid from him for some reason,he is very emotionless?It seems at least...",Jongdae said and now Baekhyun left the papers and dedicated Jongdae his full attention by leaning his head on his own forearms.

"We look like two teenagers in love with some unreachable guys",Baekhyun laughed and Jongdae closed his eyes to giggle at the comment, "Continue"

Jongdae opened his eyes again and drifted off to his thoughts, "I don't know Baek.That man is so interesting to me I bet he has so many secrets and stories behind his dark appearance.I'm dying to find out at least one of them"

"Jongdae your eyes are shining"

"My eyes are always shining,Baek"

"True but now they're all fireworks and shit",Baekhyun teased, "Tell me more come on.I see you're really interested in getting to know him"

Younger whined, "I want to be his friend you know?I feel like he really needs someone to talk to.But he's way out of my reach"

And so Jongdae kept talking about his first work day,his new colleagues,desk-mate,mr. Kim's 'brother' and a secret canteen on the forth floor.He talked about his weird conversations with Sehun and an even weirder dialogue with Minseok.

"He came behind you like that?He is really looking around your territory", Baekhyun said while turning pages of the newspaper, "He has some weird ways of reading people"

"Baekhyun,what territory are you talking about?Guy is so creepy",Jongdae said and turned on the film they picked, "At least everyone says so"

"And how did you feel when he came from the back like that,or when he half smirked at your stupidity? Don't tell me your dick didn't react at least a bit",Baekhyun threw the newspaper away and raised a brow at his best friend.

"My ass was yelling,not gonna lie",Jongdae sighed and took the remote controller, "I don't know...I thought that I'm gonna have a cool boss or something but bonding with mr. Kim will be hard as hell"

"Who knows what will happen Jongdae",Baekhyun said, "Don't overhype yourself up,BUT! Don't act like a mole in the hole either.Just be yourself and future will bring you what it has for you"

Jongdae looked at Baekhyun with a fork a few inches away from his mouth and then finally dropped it into the takeout box, "When did you become that wise? What got into you today?"

"Oh...Well,you know...", Baekhyun smirked and threw his imaginary hair backwards.

Jongdae responded with a disgusted face, "Ew,just ew.Please play the film and stay quiet will you?"

His best friend gave up on defending himself and just did what younger demanded.All Jongdae wanted to do now is rest and enjoy his night which he definitely deserves after the hard day at his new work place.

All he knew right now is that he's definitely not restful enough to watch the film until the end.


a/n:  sorry for any grammatical errors but i don't have time to reread this i swear i know(??) english i just don't really pay attention sometimes while writing.

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