chapter 1

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Hey, this is the first time I've ever done this so please just be patient with me. I'm also not a very good writer so theres that..
I may not update this very often so I'm sorry about that.

Anyways, let's get on with the story :)

Tsuyu pov

There she is again. The same girl who comes in here every day. I dont even know her name but I keep finding myself staring at her.

I dont know why I just cant really help it, she's so damn beautiful.

As she opens the door the familiar ring of the doorbell fills the shop. I smile. Today shes wearing a cream coloured hoodie and some pastel pink shorts, the colour combination seems to suit her hazel hair pretty well.

I look away. I need to stop drooling over her and just talk to her already, I'm sure it wont be that hard. Right?

Uraraka pov

I saunter into kero Koffee to study.
I secretly hope that the girl who works there is available so she can be the one to take my order. I don't really know why I am hoping as there is only a small group of elderly women I'm the coffee shop and it is almost guaranteed that she will. But I still do.

I walk up to the counter and, sure enough, shes there. "Hello" she says smiling softly "what can I get for you today?" I smile brightly back, and order a hot chocolate with cream, same as always. When shes finished she hands me the warm mug with a smile "enjoy"

That's all for now, guys. I may not update this again, honestly I dont know but yeahh. Hope you enjoyed it :)

Love yall

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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