Chapter 2: Haunted

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After walking for around two minutes, I hear Patton calling me

"Hi kiddo, what took you so long?" Patton says, smiling at me.

"Ugh... long story," I reply. I begin to tell Patton everything, from the yelling to Roman following me. I can't stop talking now, so I just keep going

"So when I was sitting behind the boxes he wrote something on cardboard and threw it near me, then left. I was going to leave it, but I didn't. Patton, I know he followed me and called me names, but he was really good-looking... and he really looked sorry about everything... and I... I think I like him, Patton. What do I do?" I finish telling the story and look up into Patton's face.

He looks confused.

"So this guy... he called you emo and fag... you punched him and ran off, and he followed you. He wrote something, you picked it up, and now you have a crush on him?" Patton tries to summarise

I cringe at how stupid I sound.

"Yep that's about it..." I say, looking at my feet and scuffing the pavement.

"What did he write on the cardboard?" Patton asks, sounding genuinely curious.

"Oh.. uh, just his number..."

"HIS NUMBER?!?!?!" Patton screams. I wince. I hate loud noises...

"Patton what the heck? It's not a big deal!"

Patton seems to battle with himself internally before regaining his composure.

"Do you plan on calling him?" Patton questions me.

I take the scrap from my pocket and fidget absently with it.

"Maybe... I dunno..."

"Should I call him for you?"

"Not now. Maybe later, buddy."

Patton takes a picture of the cardboard I'm holding.

"Tell me when you're ready kiddo, and I'll call first."

"Thanks Dad..." I smile slightly. I'm lucky to have Patton. He's a good guy.

Patton and I hang out for a few hours before heading back to his house -an old, ivy covered building- to watch a movie.

"Virge, you choose the movie and I'll make some popcorn. Sweet or salted, by the way?" Patton calls from his kitchen.

"Salty all the way," I call back, scanning the shelf which seems to be full of nothing but Disney movies.

After a minute of glancing at each case on the shelf, I grab "Mulan," immediately regretting it as each movie case begins to fall off. I throw the chosen movie onto the couch and jump back. As Patton returns with a large bowl of popcorn, every single case drops to the floor.

I inhale sharply.

"Sorry Patton..."

"Oh it's alright kiddo, it's just a few boxes! We can pick them up again!"

Patton sets the popcorn down on the coffee table and we replace each case onto the shelf, I hand the movie to Patton, who inserts the disc into the DVD player. I turn off the lights and jump over the back of the couch, landing beside Patton on the cushions.

The movie starts, and Patton, as usual, hogs all the popcorn.

"Um... Patton? Can I have some popcorn?" I whisper

"Oh, oh right! Sorry kiddo!!"

He offers me the bowl.

"Hold on, give me a minute..."

I take my hoodie off, and wear it back to front, so the hood is like a bowl.

"Ok, now I'm ready."

I take a few handfuls of popcorn and throw them into my hood. Now I have my popcorn so it won't matter if Patton hogs the bowl again.

We get about halfway through the song "I'll make a man out of you" before I speak again.

"Patton, I want you to call him..."

"Are you sure, Virge?"

"No, but do it now before I change my mind."


Patton pauses the movie and pulls out his phone. He dials the number and holds his phone out, the call on speaker mode. The phone rings for a few seconds before finally...


"Hi, is this Roman?" Patton says, giving me the "last chance to back out" look. I nod, signalling that I want to continue with the call.

"Yes, who's this?" Roman says.

"I'm Patton. You gave your number to a friend of mine earlier, I believe you called him 'Panic at the Everywhere'?"

"Oh... yeah I did. Why are you calling me then?"

"He was too anxious to do it himself, given what happened earlier," Patton replies, an infinitesimal note of agression in his voice.

"Can he hear me right now? He doesn't have to speak... if he allows you, can I know his name?" Roman asks, a note of what sounds like longing in his voice.

Patton looks at me. I brace myself, then nod my head slowly.

"Yes he can hear you. His name is Virgil. You do anything to him and I'll find you, I swear,"

Roman sighs on the other end of the call.

"Virgil," he begins, "I am honestly really sorry for what happened today. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me... it wasn't me today. I was with my brother, he's a bad influence on me... I'm sorry... I didn't know you had anxiety attacks at all, let alone that easy, I should've left you alone after you ran off, but my brother made me go after you... if you'd be willing to give me another chance, maybe we could meet up? Only if you're comfortable with it..."

That was a bit much for me to handle. I gather myself slightly and say,

"Maybe one day. Patton, hang up."

I turn to Patton. He looks worried.

"You alright, kiddo?" He asks me, his voice softer than usual.

"Yeah... just, just give me a moment..."

My hands are shaking, even though I've only said a few words. He wants to meet up with me... why? He can't possibly like me back, that's too much to hope for... besides, most hot guys are taken, straight or both.

He doesn't like you, he just wants to hurt you again. Even if you bring Patton, he'll hurt Patton too.

I run a hand through my hair.

"Pat, if I go meet him, will you go too? And Logan?" I say, my voice shaking slightly. Patton looks at me.

"If it makes you feel safer? Then yes. I'll arrange it, and see when Logan is free," Patton says, looking at me, worry evident on his face. "Are you sure though?"

"I'm never sure about anything."

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