Ride or Die

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Lara was galloping her way through the dance floor, cutting into an enormous crowd that was tight, but not tighter than the grip on her heart. Her wedding gown whooshing behind her alongside her strawberry red hair, as the voice of Malik was whispering a lullaby to her waiting outside the monstrous wedding ball. Lara stepped outside leaving her suitor soon to be husband ; Sami, alone in that wedding ball. 

Leaning against his only possession, his motorcycle, Malik greeted Lara. "Beautiful as always" Malik's words danced from his lips and tickled Lara's mouth to a smile. A smile on her face - as tears road her cheeks from her ranging green eyes, taking with them every ounce of happiness in her. "Is this really happening? I beg you, Malik please, tell me that I'm dreaming?" Lara muttered with a struggling voice.

"Lara and Malik... are officially over   - Malik took a pause while darting his eyes to the ground, sighed, then continued–  come with me!" Malik said as he raised his head again, trying to cheer Lara up as he always does. 

"I can't... they would kill me, haven't they already buried me alive today?" Lara's lips stopped moving, only to start again as her knees passionately kissed the floor "Ride or die! I am yours Malik, IT'S EITHER YOU OR I DON'T WANT THIS LIFE!" her voice weeping in pain as it flickered an idea in Malik's mind.

"Ride or die" he repeated. "LETS DO IT, LARA PLEASE!" his voice shimmered in Lara's ears as the thought lightened her eyes. They both smiled as they stared at his motorcycle. 

Carefully placing the burdened white wedding gown upon Malik's motorbike Lara sat down. In front of her Malik set himself. Everything started to feel like normal for a second, Malik in the front Lara in the back just like they always sat, her fair smooth hands hugged his back.

"READY?!" Malik shouted over the filthy sound of his motorbike. "RIDE OR DIE MALIK!" she cheered numbly not knowing how to feel. "US AGAINST THE WORLD!" Malik's foot scorned the pedal in a rush. Lara's head brushed Malik's back as she drifted away in her mind. Her mind had always been a runner, running around unnecessary things. Her tears teased her eyes as she started to remember:

"But Father! I DON'T like Sami! How do you expect me to MARRY him?" Lara asked weeping.

"You will love him with time, what will PEOPLE say about us if you married that Malik of yours!" her father roared back "Sami on the other hand, is a great doctor, marrying him will benefit YOU LARA, he is a good person! He has all the standards I am asking for in a husband for you;The wedding is tomorrow it is done! Malik is not financially stable! How are you going to live? Without money in hand?! You're my daughter and i love you, but how do you expect me to throw you out like that? If i died one day i want to be assured i left you in good arms, someone worthy, someone i chose" he continued

"HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT ABOUT MALIK? He can become financially stable by time... he CAN find a job! Why can't you hire him?" she screamed as her heart tiredly dropped.

"I can't hire him; He doesn't have a degree! Lara, PLEASE, be realistic, love is not the only force for a happy marriage! You are not looking far enough! If you continued with Malik, where will it end? how will he protect you and provide you and your future family with the needs? His future is undefined " he explained

"... You are right, but dad money can't buy happiness either! I trust Malik enough to know that he will do his best to fulfill every need i have" she exclaimed.

"I only want what's best for you, and Sami is your perfect match. I'm your father, i know you the most, trust my judgment Malik is not the one and will never be, the wedding is tomorrow no matter what you say." He replied.

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