Chapter 59

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"How do I look?" Asked Alec nervously while tugging on his selve, Magnus smiled "you look handsome as always and I want to propose to you again, but we need to go, darling". Today was the day where they will see the child that Catarina want them to show. They stepped into the portal and we're in the Los Angeles orphan house for downworlders. A Shadowhunter lady who was rule this house came to Magnus, Alec and Catarina. Alec wondered why a Shadowhunter was caring for this house but didn't asked. "Anita" said Catarina "it's okay, I lead them", Anita looked unpleased but let them go. Catarina came to the room 208 and came in, leaving Alec and Magnus outside. Magnus sighed "the way Catarina keep this secret make me even more nervous", then Catarina came out and said "Alec, Magnus, I want to introduce you someone" a little girl came out "this is Madzie". It was a dark shined girl with brown curls, she wore a dress and hid behind Catarinas leg. She was five years old. Magnus kneeled in front of her "hello Madzie, I'm Magnus", "your eyes looks like a cat" she pointed at Magnus demon mark that he never hid, Magnus nodded "I'm a warlock", Catarina smiled at her "Hes a warlock like you", then Madzie looked at Alec and pointed at him "shadowhunter", "Y-yes, I am", Madzie looked up to Catarina who carried her in her arm "look sweetie, how about we go play all together, so you know Alec and Magnus better, they were so exited to see you", Madzie looked at both men and then nodded. She kept a serious expression the whole time. "She's very shy" Whispered Catarina "but she is sweetheart if you know her better", Magnus nodded and they sat in her room by a toy table with cups and plates. Madzie gave the cup to Alec "this is tea, good appetite", "thanks" Alec was very careful with his words because he never been with a child before, except for his sister when she was little but it was different. Magnus was more open and talked with Madzie. Catarina just leaned back and smiled.

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