Crossover Part 4: Battle Of Universes

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(Tom Darko and Levine Brown keep fighting each other, Darko hits Levine again, however Levine took Darko's arm and stab his belly.)

Levine: I must admit, you're really a tough guy...... but i win this battle.

Levine: Any last words?!

Darko: Yes...

Darko: Ever heard of "healing powers"?

(Darko punch Levine away, still with his halberd in his body, then he use his power to heal the wound and regenerate it completely)

Levine: What the...?!

Darko: Surprised?! Well, get ready, it's my turn!

(Darko charged Pain Energy in his hands, Levine attack him, but Darko teleport behind him and hit him with his Pain Beam)

(Levine lay to the ground, but before he could get up, Darko put his foot on his face)

Darko: You're really an hard opponent, but you let your guard down too much

Levine: Who the heck are you?!

Darko: Oh sorry! Allow me to introduce myself......

Darko: My name is Thomas Darko, the Soul of Pain

Levine: S-s-soul of Pain?! You're bluffing...

Darko: Bluffing?! What do you mean by that?!

Levine: I am Levine Brown, the TRUE Soul of Pain!

Darko: Ok! You're a damn liar...

Levine: HOW DARE YOU! Your trait is not even Brown!

Darko: Well, what does it mean?! The Soul of Pain is dark purple...

(Levine took out his soul)

Levine: See, you're lying! My soul, the Pain soul, is brown...

Darko: A Brown Trait?! That's new......but it can't be a Pain soul...

(Darko took his halberd to finish Levine)

Darko: You know what? I don't care what you're saying! Once i'll kill you, i'll take your soul and i'll study it...

???? and ????: THERE YOU ARE!!!

(Darko and Levine look and see that both the GAOP cast and GAWS cast are there)

Darko: Am i seeing double, or there are twice of everyone?!

GAWS Betty: Hey! Didn't I say that we don't need to fight you?!

GAOP Betty: Something like that... it doesn't matter anyway.

GAOP Frisk: Bring it on!

Darko: Finally... a real fight.

Levine: And there's the people I had been looking for. *looks over at Darko* But first i'll take care of you, dirty copycat!!!

(The two casts then get into an argument with their counterparts, and they line up, preparing to fight. During the big fight between the two casts, however, since most of the characters were exact equals, their attacks were the same and neither of them could win)

Darko: Hold a sec...twice of everyone......two souls of Pain....

Darko: Now i understand...

(During the chaos, Darko defeats Levine and takes him away.)

GAWS Betty: Give up already. There's no point in fighting.

GAOP Betty: We won't give in that easily... but now that you mention it... wouldn't this whole battle keep going for a while since the rest of our counterparts are pretty much the same? That was what you were implying, right?

(GAWS Alphys overhears the conversation and speaks up.)

GAWS Alphys: You do have a point... simple logic can determine that quite easily.

GAWS Betty: *realization* Wait a minute... are you from another timeline?

GAOP Betty: Then you must be too... that explains everything! *speaks to the GAOP cast* Guys, wait, stop fighting!

(Thankfully, the fight between the two casts abruptly ceases.)

GAOP Betty: *speaking to her group* Guys, I think we're on the same side. These clones aren't Darko's creations... they're from another timeline!

GAWS Jessica: Wait... okay, well now it all makes sense.

GAOP Frisk: I get the feeling we should've came to this more reasonable conclusion when we first met.

GAWS Frisk: Uh, anyway, mind filling us in on who Darko is?

GAOP Gaster: He's a Soul of Pain that we're fighting... but really, all he is right now is a persistent piece of-

GAWS Sans: Wait, did you just say Soul of Pain?

GAWS Papyrus: W-We're fighting someone like that, too! Only his name is Levine, not Darko.

GAOP Frisk: *to GAWS Betty* So, that's who you were talking about earlier? You thought we were created by him?

GAWS Betty: Yeah... seemed pretty convincing at that point.

GAOP Betty: Huh, how coincidental, since we thought you were created by Darko... I can't believe we were on the same side, and yet we were just fighting a minute ago.

GAWS Ronan: Me neither...

GAWS Sans: Uh, guys? Darko and Levine are gone.

GAOP Ronan: Darko must've taken Levine out the battle...

GAWS Betty: Well, we better hope it's to kill him personally... if those two team up, this won't end well at all. 

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