Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I looked in the room Randal was pointing at. My heart seemed to have stopped for a split second there. Because I swear I saw my Carmela once again. My daughter Miranda was the spitting image of her mother. But it was the eyes that left no doubt she was mine. She had the family eye color. I felt so proud, as I looked at her awkwardly holding Rose.

“I think we can use this to our advantage Lance.” Randal said as he looked on.  “Wait out here, don’t go in yet.”

I watched as he entered the room and Rose ran to him. “Hello, my name is Randal Miller.” She took the hand offered to her and smiled at him.

“Mom has told me so much about you. I feel like I already know you.” She said smiling.

“This little demon is Rose.” Randal tells her and she looks at the child and smiles. “We were playing hide and seek. I hope she was no bother to you.”

“Oh not at all, she is a real doll.” Miranda says reaching out a hand to tuck a stray hair behind Rose’s ear. Rose reached out for her and called her “mommy.”

“I’m sorry; her mother abandoned her and her father about a month ago. I guess she thinks you are her.” 

“Oh that’s so sad to hear. I’m so sorry about it.” She said opening her arms and holding Rose to her chest. Rose lacking the love she never really got from her mother latched on to Miranda. She might be small, but she is wise beyond her years. She soaked up all the love and comfort Miranda was offering.

“I know you came to see your father.” Randal started to say and Miranda seemed to stiffen. That made Rose stiffen too and jump off Miranda’s lap.

“Sorry mommy” she cried out. That reaction worried me. I hope that bitch Sandra did not treat my little puppet badly. I think Randle and Miranda thought along the same lines because they looked at her and the unshed tears were there in both their eyes.

Miranda walked over to Rose and knelt on the floor. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Now come here” she said opening her arms and Rose ran into them and started to cry. I think all our hearts hurt in that moment, for this little girl. How is it possible that a mother could not fall in love with such an innocent soul like Rose? While my daughter cuddled my granddaughter my eyes met Randall’s. The look in his eyes reflected mine. We made a silent agreement, to kill the bitch if she ever dared to show up.

Once Rose went back to Randal, Miranda looked at him. “I am here to speak to Mr. Davenport.” She said rather stiffly.

He nodded his understanding “All I am going to say Miranda. Is that there is so much we have found out recently. He did not know you existed at all. He has loved your mother all this time. But it’s not my place to tell you the story. I, in your place would hate him too. But you must hear the whole story before you pass judgment. Too much time has already been lost because of that crazy woman. Her daughter was no better, since she was the one that left my poor Rose.”

Miranda’s POV

OH my goodness. How much more of an emotional rollercoaster, am I going to go through today? I thought as I held on to this poor little girl. Whose mother seemed to have done a number on her? I see this all the time with my own children.  Some come to me and you can tell they are loved and cared for. Others lack that love at home and I am more than happy to give it to them while they are with me at the day care. But this little peanut just stole my heart, the minute she called me mommy.

But the moment Randal started telling me about Mr. Davenport. I was thrown for a loop. Could it be possible that he really didn’t know about me? No it was not a luxury I was going to give myself time to dwell on.

But before I opened my mouth his cell phone went off. “Hello” I watched in awe as his face registered a mired of emotions. I could tell the news was getting worse as who ever called went on.  On a sob he hung up after saying “I’ll be right there.” It was then that a man rushed into the room.

“Randal who was it?” The man asked as Rose jumped off her grandfather’s lap and into mine. She squeezed as she wrapped her little arms around me, having felt the change in her grandfather.

Randal looked up. “It was the hospital. Joshua was in a terrible hit and run. They said he was not wearing his seat belt yet. When a car deliberately rammed into him and then left the scene. They described the bitch Lance.” He said and started to sob. Rose held on tighter to me.

Then the man turned to face me and knelt before me. “I know this is too much to ask. We have not even been properly introduced yet. But I am your father Lance Davenport.  I have so much to tell you and hope you can forgive me. But at the moment as you can see. I need to drive Randal to the hospital. I feel like a total ass for asking this. But will you watch little Rose for us?”

My mouth all but fell open. What the hell was all this. I came to rip a check in this man’s face. Now I’m stuck as a fucking babysitter. I felt my anger start. But the moment the little peanut on my lap whimpered “mommy” I was a goner. Dammit all to hell. I glared at him. “This is a low blow Mr. Davenport. But seeing how this is an emergency. I will watch her.”

“Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this will help.” He went into his pocket and I swear if he pays me. I will kill him where he stands. “Here are the keys to Rose’s house.” He jotted down something on a note pad. “This is her address. The house keeper is on vacation for a week. No one is home. The child will feel less stressed there. We will also be able to reach you there.” Then they freaking left.

Once left alone in the waiting room. I looked at the little girl in my arms. Well Miranda, you sure got yourself into a pickle this time. That’s what you get for letting anger override common sense. Then the secretary walked in. “This is the little girl’s things.” She looked down at the little girl with tenderness in her eyes.  “Poor thing has been through so much, at such a young age.” Then she walked out.

I sighed and got up. “Well little Rose. I guess it’s time to take you home.”

Lance’s POV

I was trying so hard to calm Randal as I drove to the hospital. I was also trying to reach Maggie, who had left her phone at home that morning. I left a message with the maid. I just told her to have Maggie call me. The last thing I need is a freaked out mother, barreling to the hospital. Once we arrived we were taken to the emergency section of the hospital.

There a nice doctor came out and told us that Joshua had a broken leg, cracked ribs. But he would be fine. Their only worry was the fact that his brain had swelling and seemed to have had an effect on his vision. But they are confident it will return once the swelling goes down. But they could not give us a time frame, of when it would happen. We rushed to Joshua’s room where he seemed to be restrained and cursing up a storm.

“Joshua” Randal managed to croak out.

“Dad, is that you? Make them untie me now. I must get home to Rose. Plus tell them to remove the bandages from my face. I can’t see anything.”

Randal and I just looked at each other.


Oh crap……

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