Delaware: Mr.Chew

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Samuel Chew was a respected man, a Chief Justice in the state back in the Colonial days. Still, even in Colonial America, bullies latched onto his name, constantly proclaiming "ah, Chew" as if sneezing. He apparently hated it so much that his spirit still stalks those who mock him, showing up in his robes and powdered wig to scare the ever-loving crap out of people who can't resist the easy joke at the expense of a centuries-dead legislator. Chew was very much a real man, serving as Chief Justice of the Three Lower Counties until he died in 1743. Things got so unsettling that people eventually held a "funeral" for the ghost in Dover's Green, laying his spirit to rest in an ornate grave. He seemed to be placated, though he's still known to mess with smartasses who sneeze at the mention of his name.

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