Chapter 4

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Okay, a little more hinting slash here fellas, and maybe some more in the next chapter... Sorry it's so short, I wanted to get to the slash part but I don't want to do it in this chapter; it makes me feel weird... You've been warned.


Kendall sat down next to me, licking my cheek. "Nnnnnhh, Kendall, stop it..." I know Kendall is just trying to tantalize me into doing a certain thing with him, but I'm not about ready to fall into that trap, although it feels so damn comforting and soothing. "I'll bring you some instant noodles." He got up to leave me with a still-packaged memory foam gel mat and a stack of German books. I slid off the books and opened the box. As I stared into the box, there was the mat rolled up. I pulled out the user's guide and read through it. As it said to flatten it, I rolled it out on my half of the bed. It was only slightly taller than Kendall's side, but it'll help getting used to being a vampire. Gripping a sheet-covered mattress when you need to is no fun. It hurts like crap. As I finished setting up the mat, Kendall walked in with a dish of instant noodles. He set it down on the desk and sat on his side of the bed. He watched me flatten out the mat and sitting on it. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Kendall was taking off his shirt. I ignored him and ate my dinner of noodles. I took my dish out to the sink, looking through the window. The sun was already starting to set, and Kendall did say that he was going to take me out to get a coat from someone he knows. I looked up to see a shirtless human Kendall in the bedroom doorway... and damn, he was good looking enough to eat. I set the clean dish down and walked back to our room. He closed the door behind me.

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