Will is surprised

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A/N - I'm really excited about this piece of work - for some reason I'm oddly proud. Anyway, this type of fic is long overdue and this ship is definitely underrated. Needless to say, if you don't like the idea of three people in a relationship then this isn't the fic for you. To anyone who does like the idea of Perwilico...enjoy!


Will wasn't surprised when Percy came out as gay just a few weeks after his break up with Annabeth. Will believed it had been a long time coming, it was something that he had put a lot of thought into - perhaps too much thought. Yep, way too much thought. What did surprise Will massively was the sheer number of male demigods that were actively pursuing the boy and trying to get in his pants or more accurately, trying to get Percy into theirs. "I have no idea why that surprises you, Will, he is the hero of Olympus and more than that he is hot. As in H.O.T. Hot." Nico. He was definitely a surprise for Will. The goth outcast who had only recently come into the big picture at the end of the Giant War. Of course Will had noticed the son of Hades before that but he'd be lying if he didn't admit that most of his time prior to dating Nico had been taken up by bandaging and then ogling one Percy Achilles Jackson. He wouldn't exactly call it an obsession per say except he knew first hand that memorising the son of Poseidon's daily timetable was not a healthy pass time. "Okay Will," sighed Clarisse, "Remind me once again why we are currently hiding behind a bush and spying on the sea. The sea! You said there were monsters threatening us!" Ah yes, Clarisse. Out of all of Will's surprises, his friendship with the bloodthirsty daughter of Ares had to be the biggest of them all. To be honest Will had to get along with Clarisse because the amount of times she was dragged to the infirmary by one pissed off (but secretly concerned) Chiron was nearly higher than Leo's. "There are! C'mon we just have to wait a bit longer-LOOK!" Will whispered not-so-quietly, "There they are!"

"That's the Aphrodite cabin." Clarisse mentioned wryly.

"Which are definitely worse than monsters." pointed out Nico trying his best to be helpful despite clearly rolling out of the wrong side of his bed this morning. Well, the wrong side of Will's bed to be more specific.

"True," Clarisse reluctantly agreed, "But I still fail to see how that leads to us crouching in a fake bush in the middle of the fricking beach! There are literally no other plants on the sand - we couldn't be more obvious!" Okay, so not my best plan. It was just that the cause for the situation was so unbelievably horrifying that Will simply could not think straight. "Oh my god, Will, it's happening!" Nico definitely did not scream with his voice over an octave higher than normal. And that was another reason why Will loved Nico, they had the same fears which totally made their worries easier to cope with than on their own. Unless of course that fear is of the Aphrodite cabin collectively flirting and admiring (read: groping) one particular blushing green-eyed camper. "What do we do?!" shrieked Will with a slightly hysterical edge to his tone.

"Holy Hades," muttered Clarisse under her breath and then to the two panicking boys she said, "You're both idiots...and cowards." She added the last point with a stern look in each of the boy's eyes. "Percy does not need protecting! Don't you dare tell him I said that but you've got to admit it's true." Clarisse shuffled and turned her face so that she had a better view of the group on the beach but still continued to talk. "Look, that boy has faced titans and giants, I'm sure he can handle a couple of Aphro-wait! DoN't YOu ToUcH PRisSY LikE THaT!"

What the hell-"No! Those guys need to bACk oFF! Like now." Will shouted to anyone who would listen, namely : Nico, after situating himself so that he too could see Percy.

"Hell yeah!" His beautiful boyfriend agreed, facial features already twisting into an annoyed and mildly possessive expression. Okay, a very possessive expression. If that's what Nico looked like, then Will was glad he couldn't see himself. 

Sometimes Will forgot how on earth he got himself in these kind of situations. He couldn't quite remember exactly when he fell in love with Percy Jackson but he knew it was way before he was the hero of Olympus and saviour of them all. Percy didn't have to prove anything to Will, he was amazing just the way he was. Determined, brave, kind, loyal. When Annabeth had claimed Percy as her own Will's spirits had been down for weeks until he finally realised that Percy was what Will always wanted him to be; happy. And if it happened to be Annabeth that made him happy then so be it. He never really moved on, there was always that little part of him that longed to be with Percy, the part that fantasized all the different ways he would make his sea prince smile. And then he met Nico. To speak the truth the two of them didn't hit it off right away. Nico would go away unannounced so often that Percy began to worry and of course Will did whatever it took to stop that boy from hurting. When he'd finally caught the evasive demigod Will had made sure to give the boy a firm telling off. His long lecture had managed to get Nico to spend even more of his time away from camp and in self-isolation. It had started from there. Will would take solo quests in order to track down the son of Hades and Nico would continue to slip into the shadows. It wasn't long before they had gotten caught up the endless loop of each other and ended up in bed together. What a surprise that had been for Will in the morning.

He'd thought things would be awkward between them after that but in fact it was the exact opposite. Somehow the shadows and the light had found a way to work together and become better off for it. Their shared love of Percy helped spark the ignition for a love of their own. Will never felt like he was cheating whenever his thoughts would drift off to a shirtless boy laughing happily, body soaked wet as he emerged from the aqua shore. He didn't feel like it was cheating because he knew Nico would be thinking the same thing. All the times when Will had snuck into the Hades cabin and the two of them would just hold each other through the night fantasising what it would be like to have the sea prince with them. But they were careful, they knew not to get too carried away, too hopeful, it was just a fantasy. Percy came out as gay, that didn't mean he was polyamorous...

"I said bACk oFF bi-"

"Clarisse!" Nico shouted, "How 'bout you do less speaking and more action!"

Will will forever until the day he dies deny the shiver that ran up his spine when he saw the chilling smile Clarisse gave as response to Nico. Let's go save Percy.


A/N - Sneak peak summary of next chapter:

Will and Nico show the Aphrodite kids what happens when they get too handsy with other people's possessions and for some reason Clarisse seems to think that the Solangelo couple have a confession to make. The Stolls enjoy some popcorn and Percy gets a treat.

This story isn't exactly first person but I have kind of written it from Will's view. I could switch to Nico's view in the next part or do you prefer Will's? This story isn't exactly going to be long but I think I could do three parts - the first one is Will-centric, the next one could be Nico-centric and the last one as Percy-centric? IDK?

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