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It had been a couple of days and I had visited Camila every night after the studio.

I lost my flight back to LA the night of the accident and now I was flying back home tomorrow. Well, "home" is a big world that in this case, doesn't really have a meaning.

I didn't feel LA was my home anymore. I had moved so many times that I didn't know if I would ever have a place to call home. For now I had to keep looking for the perfect apartament. Before leaving I have 3 of them to visit and hopefully I can get one of them and not leave without a place in New York yet again.

I walked through de hospital doors in a rush, hoping to have time to see Camila. Normally I would get there just 5 minutes before the visits end, and this time I had even less time.

I stopped to catch my breath when I saw Sofi and Sinu walking my way.

"Y/N sweety, the nurse just told us the time for visits is over for today" she looked at me with simpathy in her eyes and I sighed resting my body against the wall behind me.

"Damn it" I whined and Sofi giggled. I looked at her and raised my brow.

"Do you think is funny how unlucky I am?" I playfully asked her.

She blushed and shrugged her shoulders. I smiled at her and then looked at Sinu, whose hand was rubbing my arm. I remember she always used to do that whenever she was close to me. I felt special, like... I don't know, loved.

"Camila was waiting for you" She said and I whined again, making her smile. "Don't worry, I told her you probably were at the studio still and she understands" she finished after seeing my frustration.

"I'm sorry. I lost track of time" I closed my eyes tiredly and lifted my head, resting it on the wall as well as the rest of my body.

"Ready to go amor?" I heard Alejandro's voice and I looked at him. "Oh hi Y/N, a bit late huh?" He asked smiling and I smiled sadly at him.

"Apparently" I shrugged and then whispered. "Do you guys think I can sneak in for a few minutes?"

Sofi nodded excitedly and Sinu and Ale looked at each other, seeming deep in thought.

"If you're careful you could but we don't want you to get in trouble" Sinu warned me and I smiled cutely at her.

"No problem, I'll take care. I'm going to do it" I said and I prepared myself for the run.

"Wait here" Ale said and walked towards the nurse's desk, starting a conversation with her to distract her.

Sofi pushed me and I looked back with wide eyes, seeing her mouth "go ahead", so I did.

Luckily I was able to get pass the "security" and quickly sneacked inside Camila's room.

She looked at the door and relaxed when she saw me coming in.

"You came" I could see her eyes shine and I smiled, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Well I was actually late but I kinda... sneacked in?" I asked more than stated and she raised her eyebrows. "Your family helped me, don't look at me like that" I added pulling out a chair and sitting next to her bed.

"Thanks for that" She shyly smiled while looking at her hands, resting in her lap. I nodded.

"When do you think you'll get out of here?" I asked "I'm starting to smell like a corpse." She laughed when she heard me and I smiled at the sound. Her laugh never failed to make me smile.

"You don't smell like a corpse don't be silly" She kept laughing and she put one of her hands in her mouth.

"Don't do that" I said, moving her hand away.

She looked at our hands, still joint from the contact and blushed deeply.

"Do what?" She innocently asked even though she knew what I meant. I used to do that all the time back in our school days.

"Don't cover your smile" i said looking at her, but having to look somewhere else when I felt her eyes boring into mine.

"So what did you do today?" She changed the subject and I silently thanked her for that.

"Well let's see... I woke up, then I went to the studio" I said lifting one finger to count the things I had done. "Then I stayed in the studio" I lifted another finger. "I think there was a bit more a the studio after" I pretended to think and raised another finger. "Oh yeah and then I spent more time working guess where?" I asked her raising one last finger.

"At the studio?" She smirked and I nodded.

"How did you know?" I pretended to be shocked this time and she laughed hard.

I loved making her laugh.

Fuck I'm screwed.

I must have spent a long time just watching her laugh because when I realized, she was calling my name and I shook my head and looked at her, who was smiling towards me.

"You should get some sleep. You look tired" She told me and touched the bags under my eyes.

"Yeah, I just came to see how you were and yeah... just that" I shrugged standing up and putting the chair away. "I'll go now. I have a plane to catch tomorrow and also an apartament to rent, hopefully" I said and she raised her eyebrows.

"You're gonna move here?" She asked "wait, you're leaving tomorrow?" She furrowed her brows and suddenly she looked sad.

"Yes, I was supossed to leave two days ago but... this happened and I lost the flight" I said and she pouted.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to" She apologized and I shook my head.

"It was not your fault." I reasured her and then added. "I'll see you soon then. I hope you feel better" I walked backwards to the door and I saw her eyes water.

"Wait... stay?" She begged "please? Just for a little"

"You just told me I should get some sleep" I said and she shrugged shyly.

"You can sleep here" she said pointing at the sofa under the window.

"No it's okay. I'll stay until you fall asleep and then I'll go" I said and she seemed deep in thought.

"Okay... but sit next to me then" She patted the space next to her in the bed and I swallowed hard.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I was not convinced but she pouted again and... ugh, I can never say no to her. "Fine" I rolled my eyes and she clapped excitedly, making it hard to hide my own smile.


Well I don't know what to say...

The last chapter got a total of ZERO favs in a whole week so I've decided I'm going to stop posting for a while, at least until I see someone is interested in it because if not then why am I publishing it?

Anyways enjoy this chapter or just ignore it, idk i'm not in a good mood right not and not feeling like posting tonight but I'll still do it because that's what I said I would.

See u

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