Common questions

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How do I become a witch?

Start studying and practicing witchcraft. That's the way to become a witch. Start studying and start practicing the craft. Covens will often initiate witches but if your solitary just start practicing and studying.

Am I still a witch if I don't practice everyday?

Yes. Your still a witch if you practice everyday or every week or only a few times a year. And your still a witch if you don't practice everyday or every week or only a few times a year. It's your practice, your choice.

Can I have more than one familiar?

Yes absolutely. A familiar is basically an animal you connect with, so it can be an animal that is your pet or an animal in your environment.

Some other witches say that I'm practicing witchcraft wrong. What do I do?

Don't listen to them. Your craft is yours and yours alone. You can't practice witchcraft wrong because everyone's craft is unique to them.

Do you have any tips on how to practice daily?

Make a routine out of it. Start with easy stuff, like stirring your early morning drink clockwise to invoke positive energies for that day, or taking a cleansing shower and imagining the water cleansing you.

What are some easy spells to do?

You can write your intentions on a bay leaf, or a piece of paper, and then burn it to help it manifest. Making a sigil is a super easy spell too. All you need to do is make it and then charge it.

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