Chapter 1: Maelynn Delaney

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Maelynn stepped out of her car. She closed the door with a push of her elbow, her purse resting in the crook of her arm. She turned around and looked at the building in front of her. She hated coming here, but it was the only way she could see her dad. She sighed and checked her bag to see if the small cake was still there. She had called ahead time to ask if it was alright she brought it. She had a certain way with the guards most of them knew her since she was a little girl coming to see her dad with her mom.

She walked into the prison. "Hello, miss," Jerry Arnold said as she walked up to the counter ready to hand over her belongings. "Happy Birthday," He smiled.

"Thank you, are you sure it's alright I bring this," She asked pulling the small cake out of her purse before handing it over to him.

"It's all good, just have to check it over though. You know the rules." He says taking the cake and poking it with a clean toothpick. She knew the rules all too well. She had been visiting her dad here for thirteen years. "All clear," he handed the cake back and gestured her through after giving her a pass. She was led back by another guard. She was led to a room.

"You will have thirty minutes." He said closing the door. She sat at the table and set the cake down. She folded her hands together on her lap while she waited. In the time she had visited her dad, they had never had this privacy it was normally out with the other visitors. She guessed it was because she had asked for it. She knew it would most likely never happen again.

She jumped when she heard the metal door open and her father walked in with handcuffs. He was positioned on the other side of the table. The handcuffs came off and the guard left the room. Once the door closed both Otto and Maelynn stood up and pulled the other in for a hug.

"Happy Birthday, baby," he said pressing a kiss to the side of her head. She smiled pulling him close. She missed her dad every day she couldn't visit.

"Thanks, Daddy," she laughed. She came every year on her birthday since she had come back from LA four years ago. "I thought this time we could share a piece of cake and talk." She smiled as they sat back down at the table.

Otto smiled at his daughter. His day always got better when one of his girls would visit. Especially his baby girl. He knew he missed out a lot of her life, but her mother never left him without an update or picture. He had one of every year of her life. She was the perfect combination of him and Luann.

"Your mother doing anything for your birthday?" he asked as she used the plastic spork they were given to take a bite of the cake.

"Gemma's holding a dinner tonight," she replied after she finished chewing.

"Of course she is, so how is work," He asked he wasn't happy she worked with her mother, but it was better she was the one running the behind the scenes.

"Good, the newest film did pretty well. Mom's happy." She said. Otto took a bite of the cake and he knew his daughter had made it. She had a vault of skills she liked to keep hidden. Baking and cooking were one of them. She had spent a lot of time with Gemma growing up and the woman had to take to teaching her how to cook and bake. She had taken the skill and grew with it.

She also had a knack for numbers which is why his wife wanted her to work with her. He took moments like this with her very seriously. You never know what day will be your last in prison. The only thing he regrets is he didn't get to see her grow up, but he sees that she did just fine.


Maelynn pulled into Teller-Morrow with a smile on her face. The time with her dad had been spent talking about her ambition to go to the local community college for Veterinary Science. She had already spent two years in business. She never wanted to stop learning and working with animals had been her passion since she was a little girl. It was why she moved to LA, but her life took a turn down there and she never got to do it.

Now she was back home and had the chance to get the work done and do what she loved.

She walked into the office and found Gemma sitting there on the phone. She stuck a finger up and went to end the call. "Hello, baby girl," Gemma stood up and pulled the young women in for a hug. Maelynn laughed and wrapped her arms around Gemma. "How was Stockton," She asked pulling away.

"Good, shorter visit then I wanted, but it was nice to see him." Maelynn took a seat on the couch in the office and crossed her legs. Gemma nodded and sat next to her.

"I am making your favorites tonight. I better see you there. The guys are excited to celebrate." Gemma said taking her hand and pressing a kiss to it.

"Wouldn't miss it," Maelynn said.

"So did that school call you back yet?" Gemma asked standing and going to her desk to pull out a card and gift bag. Maelynn had said she didn't want gifts this year, but it seemed Gemma did what she wanted and did it anyway.

"Yeah, I got the letter and I got accepted. I signed up too late so I won't start classes until November for an accelerated semester." Gemma handed her the bag. "I told dad and he was proud."

"Of course he is," Gemma sat back down and watched Maelynn open the card. Maelynn laughed at the sweet message Gemma had written and pulled open the gift back to find another envelope. She pulled it open and carefully opened it. She gasped when she saw what it was and pushed the check back to Gemma.

"I can't take this," She said the amount was enough for the first two semesters of school.

"Nonsense this is from Clay and I. We wanted to give you something to help you with School. Your mother already knows and before you can rip that up. I have already put that towards your schooling." Maelynn felt tears prick her eyes and she looked at the older woman. Gemma always had been there for her. She was like a second mother. She had spent a lot of time at Gemma's growing up.

Gemma reached over and wiped the tears off her face. "Thank You Gem," She said. The door opened and Clay Morrow himself walked in on the girls. Seeing the smile on Maelynn's face must have met that Gemma gave the girl their gift.

Maelynn stood and wrapped Clay in a hug. She looked to him as a father figure and she loved him. "Thanks," She muttered into his shoulder. Clay patted the girls back as she pulled away and grabbed her purse.

"I hate to run but I promised mom after Stockton I would run to the bank for her." she walking to the door and leaving.

Gemma and Clay watched as she got into her car and pulled out of TM. "She's a good kid," Clay said pressing a kiss to his wife's face. Gemma nodded.


Maelynn and her mother pulled in the Morrow's driveway and walked up to the door. There were bikes lined up meaning the guys were already here. She entered the house.  Everybody showed up. 

"Happy Birthday May" Her mother said wrapping an arm around her shoulders before the rest of the club mobbed her. All hugging and wishing the woman a happy birthday. A smile never left her face and she ate and chatted with the guys. 

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