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1. " Think about the postives the negative are a trap I swear " ~zach

2." Can you poop on me "~ zach

3. "Boom Boom Boom lemme hear  you say wayho " ~zach

4 .I just punched my mom rear view mirror" ~Corbyn

5." Im not a gìrl Im a boy " ~Jonah

6." Ready ? We got news fot ya . We've got 24,000 potatos all growing in one square arce . Do I know how " ~corbyn

7."Im gonna cross the road without being allowed to , I hope I get hit "~ corbyn

8."They  have Dr. Peppuuh" ~Jack

9. Jack : come here zach
Zach: no  your doing that
Jack : get over here its my challenge not yours

10. " Did I pass? " ~corbyn

11."we look so thick" ~daneil

12. "It looks like our necks are long " ~ zach

13. Interviewer : whos the messest ?
Daniel : Im going to say zach cause he spilt goldfish last night and didnt clean it up.

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