Start Of A Spark

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DISCLAIMER: This is my first one-shot, so if I receive support and feedback on this, I might make it into a complete series. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!  ___________________________________________________________

      The days working in the Future Foundation have been tough, to say the least. After the six of us ultimates escaped the despair-induced school, we found ourselves tackling yet another problem; the world itself. Overrun by robotic killer bears and deranged wore shippers of the infamous Junko Enoshima, we barely survived this apocalypse to build the acclaimed Future Foundation.

      Throughout the years of manufacturing and getting a hold of any technology left in this ruinous city, we've finally established a new hope for this broken economy. We collaborated with other survivors and we're all determined to save the rest of humanity from this unbearable devastation.

      That's the plan, really.

      However, not only do we have to keep in touch with other organizations and be able to run the foundation area, we also have scouting missions to rescue people from their possible demise. The six of us had to adapt to our new surroundings, so survival with firearms and combat skills were crucial in development.

      For me, I focused more on reaching out to people through electronic communications, guiding them to somewhere that was considered safe, much like my interaction with my sister, Komaru, who sought my help before. The days can be hard and it's not an ideal life; in fact, I honestly wish this nightmare never existed. No matter how much I wish for it, this chaos won't leave until we fix it. So I push through, hoping to go back to the way life was, or close to it.

      I want that faith to create kindness, destroying all this excruciating negativity. That's my dream in the future and this is what this foundation strives to achieve.

      ...But man, can life get weird here.

      I work in branch fourteen; my job, as explained before, is pretty tough, as making connections with survivors is rare and almost impossible. But I've gotten pretty skilled with computers and sending out connections since I needed to, as it was a requirement Togami declared we absolutely had to learn. He's not wrong, he can just be forceful.

      Still, it's pretty fun.

      I take shifts with some of the other workers in my department, so during my free time, I check to see how everyone is doing in their own respective divisions. Aoi Asahina always has about a dozen boxes of donuts sitting on her work desk but gleams with spunk. Yasuhiro Hagakure seemed to be either dozing off or messing around with his fortune-telling charms before being lectured to do his work. Toko Fukawa acted unpredictably brutal, both in her regular state and in her murderous one, so she was assigned to missions. Byakuya Togami is as bitter and inflexible as ever while Kyoko Kirigiri stayed her usual stoic and strong-minded self.

      I have faith in all of us because of the experiences we shared. Even if we all have our own problems and attitudes, I know what we all want and we're nowhere near giving that up. However, going back to Kirigiri, I've noticed how she's trying to be more open towards others. I find it sweet, compared to the cold Kyoko during the events in Hope's Peak Academy.

      I've even noticed our own relationship slowly turning into something greater, which sent me on edge, as I'm terrible with the mere thought of an actual romantic connection settling between us. I mean, this isn't the time or place for that kind of thing, right? It'd only be a distraction to the duty of Future Foundation. Not to mention that she's my boss and one of the head divisions, so she'll be busy with her own tasks. I wouldn't want to bother her with my needs.

Tender Dreams {Makoto Naegi x Kyoko Kirigiri One-Shot}Where stories live. Discover now