Chapter Three

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Dedicated to iloveyounot2013 because she it such an amazing reader and I hope she freaks out when she sees this is dedicated to her ;) even though she probably won't ;P


Chapter Three

Mark slid into the chair in front of me and grinned.

"Fancy seeing you here," he said with a wild twinkle in his eye. "'re busy?"

"Yes I'm busy," I said, slightly aggravated. "I'm here for a good 'ole me day, and you had to ruin in."

"Ouch." He put his hand over his heart as if I hurt him. I scoffed.

"No but seriously," I started. "You're kinda being a creeper if you ask me. I literally just met you yesterday, talked to you twice, and here you are eating breakfast with me."

"Oh, so it's a date?" He winked.

"You're horrible."

"I'm sorry. You're just so easy to tease." He grinned and ordered a small piece of chocolate cheesecake with a spicy hot chocolate. "And you can hardly call cheesecake breakfast."

"Yeah you can. Why can't it be a breakfast food? People eat pizza for breakfast all the time," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but it's gross." He has a point there. "And sorry if I am honestly being creepy. I didn't know you were gonna be here, swear to it."

"You swear to a lot of things," I say.

"Maybe I'm just a trustworthy guy that you can tell all your dirty little secrets."

"Slow down their, buddy. You don't get to know anything."

"Well I'd like to know more about you." He stared into my eyes and I'm pretty sure he was going to start a staring contest. I'd beat his puny little butt.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" I asked, challenging him.

"We'll start easy. Favorite color?" I froze.

"I thought you said we were starting out easy," I mumbled.

"Oh come on. It is easy! Everyone has a favorite color," he said. I stared at him.

"Not me."

"Why not?"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because I can't see it?"

He laughed as if I was telling a joke. "Oh whatever. You're such a liar," he teased.

I looked down at the table silently until I figured out the best way to say it.

"When I was five years old my parents took me to the doctors because my kindergarten teacher said I couldn't tell the difference between any colors. She said that usually kids can do something, but I was totally incapable of differentiating the colors. My eye doctor diagnosed me with Achromatopsia and said that my eyes cannot perceive color. Believe me now?"

"Man, that's rough," he said. "I'd hate that."

"Honestly, I only hate it at certain times. Sometimes I'm fine with it because I have no idea what I'm missing but other times I hate it because I am missing something that everyone else takes for granted." This is getting deep.

"Hmm. Well then what's your favorite food?" he asked, directing the conversation away from my eyes.

"Spaghetti! One hundred percent spaghetti! I love it with all my heart, might, mind, and strength." I grinned and he smiled back.

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