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jaebum's not all that excited to be going to some bullshit executive party. but here he is, on his way. 

he has a date, the a receptionist from the main lobby. he's not even interested in her to be honest, so he feels kind of bad because she has a crush on him. his real number one pick is off limits, and he didn't want to come alone, so he settled. he's the rookie of the company, a lot of expectations are put on him for being so highly recommended. but, because of that, he probably shouldn't flaunt that he spends his free time and days off fucking the ceo's daughter. 

her name is seulgi, and to clear the record, she hit on him first. he figured it was a one time thing, she was bored, rich, and hot, while he was bored, weak and horny. but it wasn't a one time thing, it was a multiple time thing, with dinner dates, and then breakfast dates, maybe a lunch date or five.

jaebum would have loved to arrive at this party in some fancy beach house with seulgi on his arm, but she's probably not even invited so he'll just have to entertain jennie. as soon as they step out of their uber, a glass of champagne is waiting for them and jaebum pretends it's whiskey and chugs, before putting on a fake smile and mingling with other coworkers.

this party is an excuse to get wasted on a friday night, though the ceo claims its to celebrate an upcoming expansion. jaebum is just here for the open bar, and a lack of anything else to do. he's listening to jennie go on and on about the secretary on the second floor and how she's pregnant or something, so she hopes to take on her workload, and he kind of wants to bash his head into the nearest wall. he looks around for some distractions, maybe some hors d'oeuvres, stronger alcohol, or a coworker he can actually connect with. instead he finds seulgi, looking as beautiful as ever.

but she also has a date. one that she doesn't seem interested in, because she barely gives him a glance as he talks and talks, laughing at his own jokes while she remains blank in the face. jealousy does come over jaebum, though he has no idea why. they're not exclusive.... they're just currently not sleeping with anyone else. she can date whomever she wants to... as long as she comes home with jaebum tonight.

he tells jennie that he's getting another drink, excuses himself from her side and heads towards seulgi, who happens to be close to the bar. he catches her eye, and he tries to keep the smugness off his face when he sees her eyes drift down the unbuttoned portion of his shirt. he didn't have plans to run into her here, but he was going to hit her up when it was over. looks like he doesn't have to worry about that now. 

he makes his way to the bar and orders the whiskey he's been craving, waiting patiently for his drink and for seulgi. "jaebum, fancy seeing you here." she greets, flashing him a smile that is sweet on the eyes but he's knows her naughty side... he's not fooled.

"yes, what brings you here? thought daddy's little girl didn't have to go to work parties."

"i don't, was invited by jooheon and didn't want to be rude."

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