Chapter Nineteen

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I try all week to get a hold of William. He refuses to text me back or answer my calls. I show up at his dorm, but he doesn't answer, leaving me to wonder if he is even there. He doesn't have a roommate, but after questioning a few people in the hall, I get the impression that no one has seen him for days. Now, I really am worried.

All of this surprises Alex, too. It's his night off and I don't feel like cooking so he orders take out for the both of us. We sit on the sofa together to discuss the problem at hand.

"I haven't seen him this closed off since I first met him," I say to Alex, dishing out some fried rice onto his plate.

"Did he, um... did he ever mention to you why he acted that way?" Alex asks, joining me with our beverages.

"No, and I chose not to pry. He wasn't doing well in school, and I just thought I would offer my help. It surprised me he took it, but when he did, it sort of opened him up a little and he let me in. We have a lot in common, so we hit it off right away. You could say we're kindred spirits, or at least that's how I feel about him."

"He's lucky to have you for a friend," Alex replies, looking rather grave.

"I know you're worried about him, but I don't think he'll do anything stupid," I say, trying to reassure him. "Besides, I have one more ace up my sleeve," I tell him. "It's something I learned from my Mom. When all else fails and you can't seem to get through to someone, use guilt. It works every time."

Alex spontaneously laughs, and I love the sound of it. He's been smiling so infrequently this week. This whole matter has put us both in a mood.

I pull up William in my favorites and call him. His voicemail picks up, as I know it will, since he has yet to answer any of my calls. I hear his message and wait for the beep.

"It's Cat, not that you don't already know that. Look, I know you're going through something right now, but so am I, in case you forgot, and you promised me you'd be here for me. You promised, William. You know what I must face in a few days, and you know what it means. I really could use my best friend right now. But if you're too busy, I understand."

I hang up the phone and slide it back into my pocket.

Alex looks impressed. "Oh, you're good."

I laugh. "I really didn't want to go there. I always hate when it's done to me, but it is a tried-and-true method of getting a response out of someone. Let's just hope it's a friendly response."

"At this point..." Alex dishes out some sweet and sour chicken onto his plate and mine. "I'll take anything."

"I'm sorry I wasn't more help. I really had hoped to make things easier on you."

"You've been great, Cat. You've gone above and beyond. He's just being an ass. I'm used to that, but I just wish he'd give me a little consideration. So, what's happening in a couple of days that he would know about that's upsetting to you?"

"Going home for Winter Break."

"Oh," Alex says, looking a little pensive and pushing his food around his plate. It's a trait I've discovered means he's holding back something he wants to talk about. I don't know why he doesn't feel he can open up to me, but I don't push it. I want him to feel like he can talk to me on his own terms.

"Why is that going to be a problem for you?" he asks, looking at me at last.

"It's not. Not really. I just have to tell my parents about Liam and about the baby. I don't know how they will take the news. No, that's not true. I will disappoint my father, as usual, and my mom will just file it away until she can cope. I just hate having to go it alone. It would have been so much easier if Liam ... well, anyway, not exactly the relaxing break I would have chosen for myself."

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