The beginning

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Y/n's POV

I look at the camera while talking "what's up people welcome to the Y/n way. I'm y/n"I said close to the camera "good news...WE JUST HIT SIX MILLION SUBSCRIBERS WOOO" I yell while cheering. "I woke up this morning at 5:15 am, and I thought to myself... 'why am I up so early? But more importantly 'why am I the only one up this early?'"I drove to Camila's house and went to Camila's bedroom.

I looked at my camera "so I decided to drive to my ex-wife Camila's house, to invite her and the kids to join me." I went right beside her while she was sleeping and yelled "CAMILA" and she jumped up screaming while I was laughing "y/n get out" so I went to my daughters room and got a bell and shook it while yelling "ROWAN" and she jumped and screamed while I was laughing. She groaned and said "why are you my mom?" And then I went to my sons room.

I had a mask on and went right beside him and said "surprise" and he screamed while I was laughing and got up and ran right into his closet door and fell.

No ones POV

Camila came home from work and had groceries in her hands while closing the door. "Rowan, Corey! What the.." there was a fort made of blankets and the couch cushions. Then Corey comes out of it and said "hey Ma, check out the fort. Do you like it?" Camila looks at it and hesitates with her answer "it''s amazing" she said while smiling "it was moms idea" he said on cue Y/n pops out of it "pretty cool huh?" She said with a big grin on her face "it's super cool. And you used my expensive sheets." She said with a fake smile

"You wanna see inside ma?"Corey said with a smile pointing to it "I would love to. Thank you." Beige she could go inside both Y/n and Corey hold their arms up stopping her "what's the password?" They said "here's the hint. What do mom and I love more than anything in the world?" Corey said "farts"Camila answered "oh, she's good" Y/n said "she knows us so well" Corey said "that's a good guess but that's not it" Y/n said "what's the one thing in the world that the kids and I cannot live without?"Y/n said again "wait. Rowan's in there?" Camila said. On cue Rowan pops her head out from the top "I'm in the library. Can you please keep it down?" She said then put her head back in

"Come on Mila guess the password"Y/n said "I don't know the password" Camila said "come on" y/n begged "and I have to put these groceries down" she said taking them to the kitchen "alright hey" y/n said to Corey "you fortify the ceiling in the rumpus room. And don't use the toilet yet" she said while making her way to the kitchen as well "Y/n" Camila said annoyed "hey" y/n said while smiling "why is it that the really big, disruptive projects always happen at my house?"she said with her hands on her hips "well for one thing, I only got one set of sheets."y/n said then snickers "you don't want to use those"she added while grabbing a margarita and a bottle and hanging it to Camila

"Here hold this" Camila holds them. Y/n grabs a margarita as well along with her phone "now I want you to smile. Act like you like it. One, two, three say 'cheese'" "cheese" they both smile and Y/n snaps a photo "okay so what did we just sell?" Camila said "we just sold Paco's alcohol-free tequila"she answered while smiling and showing the bottle "alcohol free booze?"Camila asked "yea" y/n answered "what's the point?" She said "I know right?" Y/n said "I like making bad decisions. All I know is they're paying me to heighten the awareness to the brand"she added "so, are you gonna stay for dinner?" Camila asked while taking the groceries out

"Let me see. Stay here and have a nice home-cooked meal with you and the kids, or go home and listen to Austin tell me the scientific reasons why the walking dead could never happen?" Y/n pointed out "yea I think I'll stay here" She added then took a seat at the table. "Did you talk to Rowan about our meeting with miss Frye?" Camila asked Y/n "No. you said never to parent when you are not in the room"she said while looking at Camila. Camila raises her arms in the air showing annoyance holding a bag of coffee grounds "Y/n?" "Huh?"She said "where's the coffee maker?"Camila said "it's in the fort" y/n said while pointing to the fort

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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