Chapter 1

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Samantha looked around her at the high school she would be calling home until she graduated. The high school was set in the picturesque town of beacon hills, even the name matched the quaint little town that her father had asked be his last stop so she could graduate.
As an army brat she was used to moving schools every six months, not that she ever made friends as it was too hard to leave them all behind.
Now she hoped that she could finally make friends, maybe even get a boyfriend while she was here but not one of those lacrosse jocks. She was studious and classed as a geek who had no time for sport fuelled steroid heads.

At 5ft 2 she knew she was small like her mother but had her dads colouring of midnight black hair and blue eyes. Although her dad often told her she looked the spitting image of her mother; not that she would know as she died when a roadside IUD went off as she was travelling with her group in Afghan when Sam was little more that 3 years old. She wished she knew what she looked like instead her dad had become a widower and stuck with a toddler while he too was in the army.

It had been just dad and her for 14 years although when he was deployed her Aunt Kathy stayed with her until he got home. But Kathy had died a few months ago from complications bought on when she went in for a standard gall bladder removal so for the first time in her life Sam had no one to speak to when life's challengers got in the way, no one to speak to about her latest crush or how to do her makeup for a school dance.
Even though her dad was still around and she loved him loads she still always felt alone.

Sighing she made her way into the building to try and find the registration office. Most school had it at the reception desk in the front of the school but this school had no reception desk where she could ask directions.
Finally she spotted two boys standing beside the lockers. She shivered she studied the one who almost had a predator gleam in his eyes as he watched his fellow students flow down the corridor. Bracing herself she approached the two guys who had turned almost immediately at her approach,

"Excuse me." She said in her lightly accented voice, "could you tell me where the registration desk is please?" The smaller one of the two smiled at her in a friendly manner, putting her nerves at ease.

"Um sure..." he said almost shyly, "go down this corridor and it is the third door on the right." Smiling her thanks she proceeded to follow his directions while the two boys behind her whispered to each other,

"Who was that?" Stiles said to his friend Scott as he continued to watch the girl walk down the corridor.

"I don't know but I'm sure we will find out soon." Scott replied as he also watched the girl walk down the corridor.


Knocking on the door Sam smiled at the lady behind the desk who was busy writing something on the notepad in front of her.

"Um...excuse me." She said quietly as she put her bag on the floor by her feet. The woman looked up at her and smiled, crows feet outlined her eyes,

"Yes my dear."" She remarked as her eyes crinkles when the smile reached her eyes,

"I'm Samantha Carmichael; I'm due to transfer into the school today." Sam picked at her nails suddenly feeling the twinges of panic in her body,

"Oh yes of course, I have your transfer papers here." Pulling out a stack of papers she picked up the class schedule and handed it to her along with a map. "You are here," she pointed out and marked the location with a red x. "Your first class is in 105, geography." Nodding her head Sam walked out of the room and tried to find her way to geography.

After several failed attempts she finally got to the correct door and took a deep breath before knocking and entering the room


"Have you seen the new girl yet?" Lydia asked as she sat on the desk between Stiles and Scott. Nodding their heads they started taking their books out of their bags.

"We saw her this morning. She asked for directions to registration office." Stiles mumbled blushing as he does. Lydia noticed and can't help but take the piss out of her friend,

"She cute then?" She asked innocently as she saw Stiles blush even more. Just before she could say anymore the door opened to show the new girl framed in the doorway. As the teacher greeted the new girl Lydia made sure that the desk next to Stiles was free so she could sit there.

"Class this is Samantha Carmichael." Pointing her towards the desk by Stiles she started to manoeuvre her way towards it while Lydia turned a hundred watt smile in her direction.

"Hi I'm Lydia." She said as she extended her hand towards the shy girl,

"Sam." She simply replied before sitting in her allocated seat. As the teachers turned to the board a slip of paper is handed to her from Stiles desk.

"Where you originally from?" It said in block letters. Smiling to herself she wrote the following before handing it back to him,

"Army brat so have been to so many places I don't know where I would call my original home. But I was born in Quebec. She watched from the corner of her eye as he read the note before he started writing again.

"That's cool." It said when it was handed back to her, "do you want to sit with us at lunch??"

"Us? Us who?" Quickly she passed it back to him before the teacher turned back and caught them.

"Scott, Kira (his girlfriend), Lydia, Theo and myself." She read the note. Tapping him on the arm he turned to look at her. Smiling she nodded yes. Maybe she could finally make friends in this place.

Bait (A Stiles Fanfic) #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now