Chapter 5

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Subject: how are you feeling?

Hi Sam
Sorry I couldn't stay for long earlier I had to get home, looks like there is something causing mayhem in Beacon Hills; all the supernatural peeps are going crazy so Scott and I are trying to figure out what it is.

How are you feeling now? You still looked a bit green when I tucked you into bed this morning.  Do you need me to send Scott around?

If you are feeling better later do you want to hang out, I mean just be two of us. I want to take you somewhere really special to us all; the view is amazing. 

Well I'll let you rest; let me know and I'll pick you up at 8pm.  I'll bring some snacks and drink for us. 

Talk to you later

SS x

As she read the email her lips curled up into a smile, a date with Stiles. Sounded like a good plan.

Subject: RE: how are you feeling?

Hi Stiles
I'm feeling a bit better now; I had a sleep so I'm feeling a bit more refreshed.  So no you don't need to send Scott over...

Suddenly she heard a noise at her window and when she looked outside she saw Scott outside.  Sighing she opened her window and let him in. Turning back to the computer she carried on with her email

...never mind he has just turned up.  What is he bloody Spider-Man? I'd love to hang out tonight; I'll be ready by 8pm if I can get Scott to leave soon. Thank you for your concern and I'll see you tonight

SC x

"So Scott; why are you here?" She asked him as she looked at him while he sat on her bed like he belonged there.

"Stiles was worried as he tried ringing you but you didn't answer." Looking at my phone I saw that it was on silent so I missed the 4 calls and 10 texts.

"Phone was on silent." She said breathlessly as she sat back in the chair, "so as you can see I'm you can go now."

"Actually your heart rate just accelerated along with your breathing that has changed; maybe I had better stay for a minute."

"What do you mean I'm ..." suddenly her chest clenched and she realised she was having another panic attack.  As she fell to the floor Scott was beside her pushing her head between her legs.

"Breath it's ok I'm here." Hoping she didn't  pass out she grabbed hold of Scott's outstretched hand. Immediately her panic recedes.

"How did you know I was going to have a panic attack." She asked as she  looked up at him.

"I told you your heart rate sped up and your breathing changed.  Super hearing has its advantages sometimes." He looked at her making sure she was ok, "you know a lot of people who have panic and anxiety attacks have service dogs; they pick up changes in the persons body so they know when they are about to have a attack.  Werewolves aren't much different? If you are in trouble I'll be able to sense it as you are part of my pack."

"That's really weird but good to know." She said as she picked at a loose thread on her jeans; "but how am I part of your pack; you've only known me a couple of days?" Though Scott just shook his head,

"It's because I announced to the supernatural world that you belong to my pack; to my knowledge we are the only pack in America that have mixed supernatural creatures and humans in it." Smiling he laid his hand on her shoulder,

"Ok thanks I think but you need to go; I've slept most of the day away and Stiles is going to be here any minute." She said while she looked at the clock which read 7.30pm. "I think I'll stick around downstairs until he gets here as your dad has just gone to work." 
Nodding her head she shoos him out of the room so she could get changed. 
Deciding her jeans were not clean enough she quickly changed into a tartan skirt, vest top with a cardigan over the top before putting on her converse trainers.
Putting on a bit of lip gloss she proceeded to brush the knots out of her tangled ebony hair as she waited for Stiles to arrive.
As the clock turned to 7.50 she hears the unmistakable sound of an engine outside her window. Looking out she saw Stiles closed his jeep door and walked up to her house.  Knowing Scott would let him in she took five minutes to compose herself before inserting her contact lenses. 
Opening up the door she felt a twirl of panic In her stomach but ignored it as she walked down the stairs to meet her date.  

Bait (A Stiles Fanfic) #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now