Chapter Four

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After breakfast, Slendy and Jeff were going to teach me how to kill. Or really, just tell me a bunch if stuff I already knew.

"(Y/n), can you come down here?" Jeff asked from down in the basement.

As I walked down the stairs, I twisted my left ankle on the first flight. With another flight to go, I yelled down to Jeff and Slendy;

"Ow, son of a bi-atch, I just about broke my an-" You were cut off by a 4-inch throwing knife, flying past your head. Instinctively, you grab it, spin and throw it back, cutting off a piece of singed hair.

"Nice one." Jeff says pulling the knife out if the wall, and examining it as if it could be hurt.

"Yes, very good. What is your preferred weapon choice?" Slendy asks.

"Knives, as you can see." You gesture to the knife in Jeff's hand.

"Yeah, we got that." Jeff says chuckling and twirling the shiny blade between his index fingers.

"What would you like to practice first?" Slendy asks.

"Don't I need to take a test of some sort, to show you were I am and stuff?" You ask, confused.

"No, because you just took it." Slendy concluded.

"Okay, well then, maybe hand-to-hand. Like if I get into a tussle." You state.

"Tussle?"Jeff asks with a smirk.

"Yeah, tussle. I'm bringing it back. It seems like you've never been in one." You say with such great confidence.

"You wanna tussle little girl?" Jeff play-threatens.

"Yeah, I do. I think it would be good to start on someone easy, such as yourself."

"Easy?" Jeff asks, genuinely hurt.

"Bring it on!" You say excitedly.

Jeff runs at you at full speed. Not super-human, but close. Not such a good idea in this small basement. You simply move out of the way. He crashes into the cement and brick wall. He grunts out of frustration and pain.

"Since you're so good at defending yourself with weapons, let's just make this interesting." He pulls his his backup blade from the back of his pants, doing a little trick in the air, making it twirl and spin in such a way it's mesmerezing. He catches it with excellence. Now you're starting to get scared.

"He does this for a living, and you just practice outside your house when you get mad. What the hell did I get myself into?" You think to yourself.

Again he runs at you, this time his blade aiming expertly for your mortal heart. You duck away at the last second before Slendermans booming voice startles you both.

"Enough! Jeff! No weapons! This is only her first part of training. Back off, child, please. (Y/n), are you alright?"

Before Slendy even finishes his thought, you disarm Jeff and pull him into a bone-breaking head-lock.

"Okay, (Cough, sputter, cough) dam! Let (choke) me go!" Jeff barely makes out through respratory spasms.

"Not until you promise, (Jeff struggles to get out, so you hold him tighter) hey! Not until you promise me-" You threaten.

"Promise-what?"Jeff sputters.

"Promise, one, not to try to get out of my head locks, which clearly you can't. And two, ---- that I am the better fighter and killer." You smirk.


"Then you won't ever get out. Your choice. I could snap your neck right here or you say I'm better than you, at, pretty much everything."

"Slendy?!?" Jeff asks, his face almost saying are-you-really-going-to-let-this-happen?

"Uh-uhn, I got to protect my image, (gestures to non-exiestant face) I don't need my ass kicked trying to help you. No way!" Slendy says with a black sass to it. (Absolutely no offense. I just like the way sassy black ladies talk. It's awesome.)

"Hold him as long as you want!" Slendy states. I was starting to bend his back over my knee.


Slendy walks swiftly up the stairs and leaves you two alone.

"L-let me go!" Jeff says in pain.

"Admit it." You pry.

"On one condition." Jeff pleas.


"You can't tell anyone. Ever."

"Why not?"

"Because. And no one will believe you anyway. They all just see you as a weak-link."

"They do not!“ You feel yourself getting enraged.

"Why do you think you need 'training'?"

"Because everyone does it!"

"No one does. No one in this house has ever got through any kind of training. We don't need it. We've 'trained' ourselves. You must don't live up to the Mansion standards. That's why you train."

You, feeling put down and worthless, lessen your grip on Jeff so much as he can escape.

"Ha! I told you I could get out with out you letting go!" Jeff spits back at you. Your paralyzed with rage and sadness. When Jeff gets no response he waves a hand near your face.

"Don't." You command.

Looking visibly relieved, he states; "Oh, God! I thought I like killed you or something, haha!"

You just stare straight into blank space.

"Hey..." Jeff tries.

You can feel the tears coming. "Get out of there before he sees. Go now!"

You run up the stairs as fast as you can. Letting out a tiny weep at the top of the staircase.

"(Y/n)?" He calls after you.

Jeff jogs up the stairs to hear a door slam. Then being confronted by everyone in the living room.

"What did you do to her?" Jane asks, looking like she wants to pumble Jeff. 

"Nothing!" You calmly say back to her. Looking in the direction of your room.

"No, if you did nothing then she wouldn't be crying right now! What the hell man?" Ben asks, being his compassionate and gay self. (Yes I made him gay. Mostly because he reminds me of my friend Ben that is actually gay. Love ya!)

Jeff just looks down with guilt.

"Okay, let's be reasonable. What did you say to her?" Hoodie asks.

"Exactly?" Jeff begins.

"Yes, you numbskull!" Hoodie says.

"Okay, this is it exactly. Kind of. So she had me in a headlock and I say let me go, then she says 'Admit it.' And I say, 'On one condition.' And she says 'What?' And I say 'You can't tell anyone. Ever.' And she says 'Why not?' And I say 'Because. And no one will believe you anyway. They all just see you as a weak-link.' And she says 'They do not!' And I say 'Why do you think you need 'training'?' And she says 'Because everyone does it!' And I say, 'No one does. No one in this house has ever got through any kind of training. We don't need it. We've 'trained' ourselves. You must don't live up to the Mansion standards. That's why you train.'

Everyone looks at Jeff in awe.

"What?" He asks genuinely confused.

And that is where I will cut this. Sorry for not updating. Will soon!

Loves and byes!

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