52. leave

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January 2016


liked by tara_tara_tara, laur.4a and 214 others

xokatie01 i can not say sorry enough, dove. I have so much respect for you and harry's relationship and i never ever wanted to try and get in between that in any way. All I've wanted was to include you and be friends like we were slowly getting into. Ik you'll probably hate that this is through insta but you won't answer or reply so all i ask is u just know that i truly am sorry. What i did was not ok and im owning up to it. Dove, I'm truly very sorry, none of it was ever my intention and definitely not the way i wanted to start 2016, I'm sorry again.

sabby20 I'd honestly delete this, if she's not been replying for a whole week then she obviously wants to be left alone.
          >xokatie01 @sabby20 I'm just trying, it's all i can do so that's that, no offense

tara_tara_tara u know i love u but this is just bot going to work through social media, she'll talk to u when she's ready to

sophie.c ur making this worse for yourself by posting it for all your 1000+ followers to see when none of them know Dove and it's not their business anyway. Sharing this with anyone else not involved is not getting u a good impression rn.
          >xokatie01 @sophie.c i haven't told anyone else anyway and ur right, it's no one elses business so why get involved yourself? It's between dove and i and I'm trying to fix it myself.

harry_styles she isn't replying cause she doesn't want to, please just leave her alone

dovely i appreciate your apologizing so thank you but no i don't want to talk to you and i don't want to be friends.

dovely You sharing this on instagram is something I'd rather u not have done too. You don't really understand the extent of what happened, not only did u try to convince me that i was being lied to and cheated on with fake messages and screenshots but you were flirting with my boyfriend knowing he was with me when u thought i wasn't in the room as well as trying to get my best friend to set you up with him and to talk badly of me.  None of this can simply be a "drunken mistake" when it was happening for hours.

dovely You also didn't have exactly nice things to say to my other friend the next morning when you were sober so just stop with that excuse. If you really were sorry for trying to get inbetween my relationship, you'd also be apologizing to harry too as well as soph, sab and cam since you tried to get them to side with u but no, you're only trying to get my forgiveness and gain my friendship, why?

dovely you're a 20 year old woman yet you certainly don't act like it when you create drama between 17-18 year olds or maybe it was just me since you made efforts constantly to get my own friends to dislike me. Clearly this didn't work so now you're repeatedly apologizing to just me? Idk what your problem is or was with me but at this point I really don't care, stay away from me.

dovely I left the jacket u let me wear in your house on the sofa. I'll pass your earrings to Tara so she can get them back to you. I don't wanna hear from you anymore, katie so please leave me alone from now on

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