First Chance

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Italics= Your thoughts
Bold= My comments/thoughts
~~Thanks for reading!!~~

Your are Twelve and have  telekenisis and telepathy, you were very close with Eleven until she escaped and that led you to more abuse and experiments, as you both had similar abilities.
After 14 years of torture (you are 15) you try to escape, however on your way to freedom you are spotted and must run...

Chapter 1: First Chance
Fear bubbled inside Twelve as she raced through the thick, dense forest as the darkening sky shone down on her. Panting and gasping for air she could hear gunshots, loud bangs echoing inside the vast, loneliness of the night.
"Twelve!!" Boomed the sharp voice of her Papa, silencing her thoughts of freedom,
"Come back here, now. Or there will be major consequences!" Trembling with anxiety she could hear the thuds of footsteps growing nearer as her chances of escape grew thinner. As Twelve was tiring she saw a faint light emerging from behind the layers of leaves.
A road! Maybe someone would see me...
Thought Twelve as she used all her energy to turn left and run across tree roots, and broken twigs the sound of faint voices drifting towards her. Hope filled her and she had a burst of energy paranoia and adrenaline brewing inside her.
Laughing! They must be close...
The road was a metre away as Twelve skidded onto the slippery bitumen ( Bitch-u-man)
Tires screamed to a stop before her and the kids on the bikes look down as the coarse rain drain the last bit of energy Twelve had left.
While fading into a dark obscurity words of confusion were spoken
"Who is she?"
"Where did she come from?"
"What do we do with her?"
As she was swallowed into a state of unconsciousness she thought of nothing but a chance, a chance of freedom a  chance....
To escape.

~~Author note~~
Ok, so this us my first story and I'm not entirely sure how this will end. But I hope you enjoy this, as much as I enjoy writing it.... And there may be a few sarcastic remarks here and there in this story to add a touch of...flavour..?
Thank you for reading my story!! ❤️

Mike Wheeler x Reader~~ StoryWhere stories live. Discover now