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jimin sat down in the bathroom stall, bringing his knees upto his chest and wrapping his arms around them to get a grip, sobbing quietly as he felt his heart ache, his face was pale probably because he was not eating anything from the past few weeks. he looked so small.

he sat for good 15 minutes weeping quietly trying not to make any sounds so no one knows starts to barge the door asking "who's in there?" thinking there's some couple having 'sex' in the stalls. he stood up and wiped his face with the cuff of his sleeves, went out in front of the mirror looking at himself & washing his face in order to look more neat so his friends don't start asking questions.

making his way out of the washroom he went to his locker and took out his book before closing it. he turned around and felt dizzy.

his heart started aching again and he tried his best to control the salty tears from coming out of his pearl like eyes.
he felt weak and blurry the books fell out of his hands and on the floor and before he knew he was lying on the floor unconscious.

The brown haired guy saw this and came rushing towards him wrapping his arms around the small figure carrying him up bridal style and rushing to the nurse's room.


"Yah! I told you to eat properly" the brown haired shouted at the orange haired with concern.

"I'm sorry tae" he replied looking down at his hands earning a sigh from the other in response.

"Look chim, if you'll not eat well you'll fall sick or maybe really sick. And I don't want you to leave me so early! Chim, you have me always with you—" he was cut by Jimin bringing his lips to the others.

The brown haired guy kissed him back with passion moving his lips in a slow manner earning a moan from the other.

They pulled back looking into each other's eyes.

"I love you Jimin."
"I love you too Tae."


The raven haired guy threw the ball towards the tall guy.

"Why aren't you paying attention?!" The older shouted at the latter.

"I-i'm sorry." The latter replied looking down, the taller's expression softened and he looked the latter in his eyes.

"Is there anything bothering you, jungkook?" He asked keeping a hand on his shoulder.

"N-no i-its n-n-nothing namjoo-n h-hyung." The latter stuttered making the taller sigh.

"You know I'm always here, right? You can always speak to me." Namjoon said making the other nod.


Jimin and taehyung were discharged from the nurse's office and were now sitting in the cafeteria.

"Please eat?" Taehyung said concerned about his boyfriend's health.

"I don't want to." Jimin replied with a pout.

"Jimin please? For me?" Taehyung begged bringing the spoon up to the latter's mouth.

Jimin sighed before taking in the food chewing it slowly.

"Jimin, you're beautiful, okay?" Taehyung suddenly said making jimin look up finally making eye contact.

"Mhmm" jimin hummed before taking another bite of his food.

"Mhmm" jimin hummed before taking another bite of his food

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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