Prologue: Welcome Home.

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Dawn was approaching, the night sky which gleamed a navy blue; turned into a burgundy, then to an orange, and finally collapsed itself into a yellowish plateau of blue. It wasn't quite morning yet; but the sun peaked over the bounding hills with ease. Firey awoke with a beam of light irritating his eyes; nature's reminder that he needed to buy better curtains for his room. But for now, he turned his back to the sunlight and dug his head into the pillow to avoid the sun's rays.

Still, there's a nagging thought in the back of his mind telling him to wake up. Getting into Hope's Peak was a dream that many spoke of, but very few got the chance to fulfill. It was hard to believe that he was one of the lucky ones. In fact, the luckiest one in the whole class. Given the title 'Ultimate Lucky Student' to boast.

To be completely fair, many could see that as an insult. The only non-talented one in a group full of the most talented kids the world could offer; was a bit intimidating to say the least. He had done his best to reach out to the other students, but only a few had managed to care enough to message him back. He supposes the Ultimate Chemist and Ultimate Fashionista had better things to do than talk to him, anyways.

But, of the few that cared; one was Pin Montague, the Ultimate Baker. Her profile picture had a picture of herself, decorating a cake with precision. Her hair tied up behind her, and a light grey bandana poking itself over her scarlet hair. She had many pictures of her happily holding up various pastries, and even offered to ship him some as a welcoming gift. Firey politely declined, but would gladly take anything offered to him in class. Pin was always in charge of the conversation, but Firey gladly let her talk until she threw him a line. This was how you made friends, right? He supposed so, as he read up more about the prefect creme brûlée. 

The other, Firey assumed, must've been a bad joke. The username read PENISLAND, and his picture was full of so many people that he couldn't even make out who 'PENISLAND' was. Despite being the Ultimate Medic, Firey was certain that this guy could never have gotten into medical school. However, despite the childish name, Pen seemed to be a nice enough guy. He talked to Firey as if they had already know each other for years, sending him ludicrous memes when he needed a laugh. Firey supposed that maybe first impressions wasn't Pen's strong suit, but he didn't seem to mind. They had fun, and that lasted longer than any impression. 

Lastly, as Firey was quick to realize, was an old friend of his. Leafy Akiyama, the Ultimate Sociologist, who gladly talked to him for hours on how communities work better when working together, and how social structures are definitely overrated in today's society. Firey couldn't help but let her continuously ramble on for hours, even if he didn't understand or really care. To be honest, he rarely ever saw anybody so entranced in their studies as she. It left an awkward feeling in his stomach of guilt, knowing that he would never have something he clicked with instantly, unlike Leafy.

Enough of this negative thinking! It was a cacophony to his mind likewise a storm was to his ears. Leafy would scold him for this behavior, and he'd get lectured on how positivity could help anybody out of the direst situation! Or something along those lines. Even if Firey didn't believe in her positive outlook, he couldn't say it wasn't infectious to others. The night before his first day of class, a smile etches his features as he drifts off to sleep.

So, when he's finally primed himself to his liking, Firey can't help but rush through his breakfast and hustle into the local bus station. He finds himself gathering a few uncertain looks from passengers when he tells the driver he's headed to Hope's Peak, but shrugs them off as he finds his way to an empty seat. His eyes, big, brown, and curious, scan the area nearby. Watching birds flutter by and the people of his neighborhood get off and on the bus. Firey huffs to himself, hoping that he doesn't find himself late on the first day.

It didn't take much longer for him to arrive at the gates of Hope's Peak Academy, but as he did a wave of nervousness overtook him. It was a feeling that didn't come to him all too often yet here he was. How else was he supposed to feel while standing before such a grand academy? Firey's body shakes a bit as he reaches out to open the front door, like his body knows he isn't worthy of such a majesty. Taking a deep breath and a second to hesitate, he finds himself entering the grand doors before his legs feel weak under him, and he collapses to the ground.

─────── ☾ ───────

Firey awoke to a stabbing pain in his spine. The floor wasn't the most comfortable sleeping place and, had he had the choice, it would have been his last. Firey pulled himself into an upright position, his jaws parting in a wide yawn before snapping shut almost automatically. He's quiet for the longest time, his thoughts are consuming the vessel that hosts them; brain buzzing, whirring with activity. What the hell had happened to him? Getting used to his surroundings, he could tell that he was inside the school, but it was nothing akin to what he had seen of it. Plywood boarded up windows and were held up by large, industrial-sized screws. This school was beginning to look more like a prison than the promised learning environment.

Unable to grasp his thoughts or comprehend the situation unfolding in front of him, Firey decides it's best to explore his surroundings. He took careful steps; afraid the ground would crumble beneath him if he made the wrong movements. It didn't talk long before he hears footsteps from the hallway. A beat of silence passes as Firey manages to find his way to the source of the commotion, doors leading to a secluded assembly room. When he enters, it seems as if most of the conversations still into a silence. And this wouldn't be a problem, if he was better with his words, but instead, he half-heartedly coughs to clear his throat, albeit louder than necessary, and begins to explain himself to the group of students awaiting him.

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what's good everybody, it's ya boy, clingclang.

this is my first story, so sorry if it's off to a rocky start! the next chapter we'll get introduced to all of our main characters, so get hype! i'm really excited to get this story rolling, and i've actually got the whole thing planned out, so buckle your seat belts kiddos, this is going to be a long ride! 

but, thanks for reading! if you got this far, i hope you know i love you! c:

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