Chapter 2: Dinner at Maddie's House

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I knocked on the door twice and waited for a few seconds, it opened revealing a well built man standing there.

"You must be Willow. I'm Maddie's dad," he finally looked at me "What happened to you?"

"Can I come in?" I asked him

"Yeah. You can sit on the couch. I'm going to go to the kitchen to get my first aid kit." I sat on the couch and before I could object he was already gone. He came back in and started to bandage my cuts.

"You have one broken rib and a ton of other bruises and cuts. Since you're a wolfblood, the bruises should be gone in a few hours, and the rib will take a week or two."

"Okay." I looked down at my stomach and I could already see most of the cuts and bruises were already gone.

"How did those heal so fast?"

"Wild wolfbloods heal faster than tame ones. Also, I come from a long line of alphas that heal faster than others so the rib should be healed in a matter of hours."

"That's so cool." before I could respond the door opened

"Hey. We're here." Maddie said coming in the door with Rhydian. "Willow are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just got beat up on my way over here. Nothing major."

"Nothing major?! You look like you took on a rabid badger and lost."

"Thanks." I mumbled under my breath

"Who beat you up like this?"

"Jimmy and his friends."

"Why didn't you stop them?"

"They pinned me to a tree and tied me there and I wasn't going to let Abelia out. Nothing ever goes well when I do."

"Three questions. Who's Abelia?"

"She's my wolf. In the wild we name our wolves."

"That makes sense. Second question. What is shifting?"

"How do I explain it?" I asked myself "It's changing into my wolf, but it's different because my wolf is another being and it's when she takes over. It's different for tame wolfbloods because the wolf is just you in a different form. For you it is changing not shifting." I explained

"Okay third question. Why did they beat you up?"

"They were teaching me my place apparently. I struggled, but as I said earlier they had me tied up and I wasn't going to slit their throats because Abelia got hungry so I didn't shift."

"Okay before we eat I want to lay down some rules. First, we are not going to talk about tame wolfbloods being bad and we are not going to talk about wild wolfbloods being bad. Second, we are not going to talk about killing people." Maddie's dad said

"Okay." Maddie and Rhydian agreed while I stayed silent. Maddie's dad opened his mouth to say something, but before he could Maddie's mom yelled,

"Dinner's ready. Come to the table."

"Coming." Maddie yelled

"What are we having?" I asked

"Roast Beef." Maddie's dad answered

"What's that?" I asked sitting down in one of the chairs beside Maddie.

"You'll see." I looked down at the plate that was just placed in front of me and then looked at the fork and knife beside me. I picked up the knife and started cutting the meat into bite size pieces. I then picked up the fork and started eating. I wasn't an animal.

"So Willow. What brings you to this beautiful town of Stoneybridge?" Maddie asked me sarcastically. I looked down and I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes, but I forced them back and said,

"I was banished from my pack by my dad and he said I could never come near pack lands again. So I came here looking for a new start and I knew I would have to act like a human so I would have to go to human school. So I went to school and I found these guys and here I am."

"Why would your dad banish you?"

"There was a rumor that I had told my secret to humans and I was going to see them once a week and my dad trusts what the pack says so he banished me." I told them sadly "If possible. Can I join your pack here? I know it's going to take some getting used to. Being a tame wolfblood, I mean."

"You can join this pack on one condition."

"What's that?"

"You have to stay here and follow our rules and ways."


"Welcome to the pack." Everyone hugged me and then sat back down

"Can I run a little tonight? In wolf form." I asked.

"If you get back by 8:00."

"Okay." I got up and walked to the door. I didn't say anything as I walked out and shifted. What I didn't know was that someone was there and they saw me shift.

I ran through the woods, not letting Abelia take full control. I felt the wind in my fur. I ran for a while until I thought it was time to head back. I turned around and started running. I was running for only a little bit when I heard a rustling in the bushes. I stopped and walked towards it. Someone jumped out of it and grabbed onto my back using my surprise to their advantage. I thrashed around trying to buck them off, but they stayed on. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my neck and then everything went black.

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