No eye contact 7/5/19

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When we first met, I said, "Hello."

You said the same, no eye contact

At first I didn't understand,

But months down the road, I did the same.

No eye contact.

Now, when we pass each other by,

I wonder if you're thinking the same as I?

Is there something happening between us? something more?

I fear, I hope, I dare.

If not, please forgive me for suggesting that at all

If not, please forgive me for being too afraid to look at you

If not, please forgive me for being rude

If not, please forgive me for being inappropriate

It really meant nothing at all.

But if there's even a slight chance,

If so, please forgive me for being too afraid to look at you

If so, please forgive me for being rude

If so, please forgive me because we're not in a place that allows that

Is there more to what's between us? 

That gravitation, do you feel it too?

Is there more to us than just "Hello"?

I simply can't say more when every instinct in me pulls me away

Is there more to this than meets the eye?

Part of me hopes this could be the start of our first page,

Then again, I think this may just be a phase

Part of me wishes I could come up, ask you, and let it go

But, we're not in a place that would be OK with that at all

That's what I keep telling myself anyway

Oh that handsome beard,

And oh those broad shoulders

And goodness that smile, those kind blue eyes

I'm simply too afraid to ask,

I don't want to embarrass you,

I also don't want to be embarrassed

So, I dare not look at you now,

Because I'm too scared to find you looking back at me

I'm not good at this you know,

I don't know how to overcome my impulses.

But I do want answers you know,

I suppose I'm placing that burden on you

Subliminally, telepathically, hopefully

Truly, if there is even a chance

that the next time I work with you, 

Will I'll finally know?

Truly, I can only hope 

that the next time we do,

I can say more than just "Hello"

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