Epilogue~ The Story Behind It All

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That's the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up.
-Walt Disney

"Mommy!" I hear yelling as well as loud running footsteps. Kara, Kyle and Willow come running into the kitchen. "Can you finish the story."

"Not yet, we gotta wait for daddy and Milly." I dry my hands and leaning down to pick up Willow. "Where's Landon?" I ask going into the living room. I sigh when I see him sitting in front of the TV playing video games. Just like he's been doing with every minute of free time he gets.

"Come on, go outside and run around, get dirty." I put Willow down next to Landon.

"But this level is really hard and I can't-" I cut him off by turning off the TV and giving him a no arguing look. "Fine, I'll go outside."

"Be a good brother and take your sister to the swing set." I say handing him Willow.

"Really? It's bad enough I can't finish my game." I put my hands on my hips. "You know what I have a sudden urge to push my little sister on the swing." He says picking up Willow and walking to the front door.

"Smart." I call out with a chuckle.

Kyle and Kara follow them out and go to the play structure. I go back into the kitchen to finish the dishes. The doors open so I can hear them and I pause every other dish to look out the window. Yes I'm a paranoid mother.

Once I finish the dishes I set the timer on my phone and put the hot dish in the oven before going outside to sit on the porch and watch my kids play. Landon brings Willow over to me before going back to play tag with Kyle and Kara. Willow makes herself comfortable on my lap and almost falls asleep.

A few minutes later I see Milly run in and tag Kyle. Sam walks over to me and kisses Willows head then me. "How was work?" I ask.

"Really good. I'll let Milly tell you about it. She was really happy on the way home." Sam sits next to me and puts his arm around me.

"Good." I smile leaning into it.

"Daddy." Willow says sitting up and reaching for Sam. I chuckle and hand her to him.

The timer goes off my phone and I get up to take the hot dish out of the oven. "Land." I yell out the door, "Come set the table please." I say walking back into the house to put Milly's birthday cake in the oven. I set another timer and still no Landon. "Landon Michael Paul get in this house and set the table!"

"Yes ma'am." He says dropping the ball and coming into the house.

"Smart." Sam says to him as he passes.

As Landon avoids eye contact while setting the table, I finish the salad and put the hot dish on the table. I grab the knife and go to the table to cut it into pieces. "Can you tell them suppers ready?" I ask. He nods and goes to the door to yell out. Everyone comes running in and takes their seat. I bring the salad and put it on the table as I sit down. "Should we sing happy birthday?" I smile looking over to Milly.

"Mom, please." She begs.

"Of course." I say comforting. "Happy birthday to you." Everyone joins in. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Milly. Happy birthday to you."

"And many more!" The twins chorus.

"Thanks." She says through a firm smile. "Now can we eat and get the attention off of me."

"Dig in everyone." Sam chuckles giving Milly and half hug.

I put a small piece on Willows plate then the twins and myself. Sam gets Landon, Milly and himself while I give them salad. "Can you pass the garlic bread mom?" Kyle asks. I hand it to him and turn my glance over to Milly.

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