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pre-story A/N:

Heyo. I am so sorry that this took as long as it did to get to you guys. Truth be told I've been so unmotivated. Even after finishing my final project (as mentioned last A/N), I've been surrounded by so many Skephalo writers falling out of the fandom that its tainted my motivation, to say the least. I am still very, very much into this fandom and love it more than anything else, but I'm sad to see so many people fall out of it! I'll try and keep updating consistently so I can be the light in the dark.

Hopefully, I am satisfactory enough for you guys ): I know updates are slow, but I put a lot of effort into them and I hope that's obvious in my writing. 

Let's get on with the story, though.



Zak was used to it. He was used to the way that it felt like every second day his stuff went away. He was used to the way that he was beginning to lack the sadness that was tied along with it. He was used to the way that it no longer felt like it was just his bags that had been taken, but A as well.

And being used to something was the scariest feeling of all. When something becomes routine, it becomes normal. It becomes something regular. When something becomes normal, you lose all reason not to succumb to it.

"I'm hungry," Zak whined, shoulders slumped forward as he sat in the passenger seat of the car they had found days earlier. He was tired- nights had been sleepless and he had no more comfort of his bag by his side. While a week ago he would have been all over finding it, he was no longer under that same cloud of hope and motivation. Right now, right then, he wanted to bash his head against the dashboard and force himself to sleep.

"Do you have any idea at all where A might be?" Darryl asked, at least still a little hopeful. They had been searching for a while now- days on days spent walking and driving around trying to find him. Zak had lost hope, but Darryl seemed to want to keep going.

Zak didn't get why. He couldn't understand why Darryl wanted to find A so bad- he didn't even know him prior to leaving. It wasn't like Zak had found time to tell him about A either. He up and left, Zak dragged Darryl along to find him, and now the tables had turned. Zak was a little grateful, though. He would've stopped looking at this point if Darryl hadn't pressed him forward every time he saw his shoulders slump and his head go low. The male wore his heart on his sleeve and Darryl could read him like he was see-through.


"Did he ever mention wanting to go somewhere?" 

Zak didn't even bother to reply to this one. He groaned, let his forehead hit the dash and went silent. He had spent days racking his brain. He had sifted for ideas upon ideas but had hit no gold. Everything had lead to no avail. Zak hit his head against the dash once more and then sat up to avoid getting in trouble by the male sitting next to him.

"I'm hungry, dude."

"Zak, does it really look like I can do something about that right?" 

"Ughhh." Zak rested his head against the glass. Darryl let out a sigh and started driving down the dirt road ahead.

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