Chapter twenty : Mickey's First words

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Chapter 20 everyone another short chapter  I hope you like it.


April 4, 1989

Prince's POV

Michael and I are sitting on the couch with Mickey on the floor playing in his play pin.

We love to see our one year playing with his toys as he giggles .

"What do you think Mickey's first words gonna be?" I asked.

"I really don't know," Mike replied. "But we'll just have to teach him his first words."

Michael walked over to Mickey and pick him up and sat him on the couch between us.

"Mickey, Mickey look!" He coos at the baby. Mickey looked at him as he was putting his thumb in his mouth.

"Can you say 'mama?'"

He only babbles as he giggles

"Gaah!" He coos

"Come on mickey, say 'dada'." I encourage him


"You can do it my little mickey mouse say 'mama and dada'." Michael said happily.

The toddler just looked at both of us as he squeals and blew rasberries.

"Ga ga ga!" He squeals

We both sighed.

"Maybe he's not ready to say our names yet, Prince." Michael suggested.

"Yeah we'll give him a little time." I said. "After all he's just learning ."

Michael put Mickey back in his play pin, and flopped on the couch. "Still thinking on what his first words gonna be?" He asked

"Yep." I replied.

"What do you think it's gonna be?"

"I think he'll say 'mama',Cause you and mickey are very close. Like you and your mother so that will be his first words."

"Well I think that too, but he loves when you play with him, and all the bonding you two have, so I really think the first words he gonna say is 'daddy.'"

"You sure?"


As soon as we sat and talk we heard the doorbell ranged. "I'll get it!" Michael hopped off the couch as he opens the door. "Hi Janet!" Michael greets her as she walks in where we at. "Hi Prince hi Michael!" She hugs us." Hi Mickey!" She picks him up with a tight hug.

"What you guys been doing?" She asked

"Well nothing really." I replied "we've been teaching Mickey his first words."

"Aw that's so sweet."

"Yeah, the only problem is he isn't ready to speak yet."

"Well it takes patience for a baby to say his first words. He talk soon just give it little time."

"Well I guess you're right." Michael said. "Thanks for the advice, dunk!"

"No problem." She says

"Dunk!" Mickey spoke

Janet Michael and I looked at Mickey with eyes widened with the shock looks on our faces. Janet squeals as she Picked our son up and kissed him on his chubby cheeks.

"Oh my god!" Janet said excitedly. "Did you hear him!? He said 'Dunk'! I'm his first word!"

"Oh my little Mickey Mouse said his first word Prince!" Michael said with a big smile.

"Good job Mickey! Good job buddy!" I cheered on

"Holy flipping cow! He said my name. Can you say it again sweetie?" She told him.

"Dunk!" He happily squeals.

"Yeah that's right I'm auntie dunk! Now who's this?" She points at me.

"Dada!" He coos.

"I'm so proud." I smiled
"Now who's this?" I pointed at michael.


"Aaawww!" He cried. "My sweet boy said 'Ma'!" He took Mickey from Janet as he hugs and kisses him. "I can't believe your first word os Dunk."

"Well he heard you calling me dunk so he thinks that's my actual name." Janet said. "But he didn't know my name is Janet. Can you say 'Janet' Mickey?"

"Jan Jan!" He coos.

"Jan jan?" I said

"It's ok Prince I don't mind him giving me a new nickname." She laughs

We all just smiled at mickey as he said his first words.

Boy, do our little Mickey is growing up really fast.

Chapter 20 done!

Chapter 21 coming soon

Bye guys

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