Nightmares at the Inn

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My room was surprisingly comfortable, and I was glad for the privacy of it, though I knew the guards were standing vigil outside, keeping watch. I guessed they were simply there to keep an eye on me in case I tried to escape.

Do I have to sleep in this horridly uncomfortable dress? I wondered with a groan, sitting heavily down on my bed. I had no servants to change me here. No. I'll take my dress off myself! I thought. Back in Eirel, my mother would've scoffed at the idea of me changing my own clothes, but she wasn't here now, and I stripped myself down. It was hard because of how my dress was tied tightly in the back, but I managed to get it off regardless. Then I was standing there in my underwear, feeling odd and exposed, though nobody was in the room with me. I hugged myself for a moment, shuddering, before hopping into the bed and pulling the plain white blanket over my body. Then I closed my eyes and reflected the ride to Lenoi.

I am certainly glad Logan wasn't there, I suppose, and I guess it makes sense the guards are there, though I do not like it one bit. I mused to myself. But... I do wish we could've stopped and stretched at least once.

My whole body was in pain from sitting in the same position for so long, though I could feel it slowly ebbing away as I lay there. I knew at once that some rest would do me good.

Forcing myself not to overthink, I allowed myself to drift off into sleep.


I was standing in some sort of cave, looking around in confusion. A strange creature of some sort was chained to one wall of the cave, glaring at me maliciously. As I stared at it, fear shot through my chest as though I had been stabbed there by a knife.

The creature was a large pig, with tusks and small glowing red eyes. It was a dark brown colour, and looked to be about as tall as an adult human. It was chained by one of its legs, and it was scraping at the ground with its feet as though it was getting ready to lunge at me.

It can't do anything while it's chained to the wall! I thought, though my heart was pounding in my chest, and I was looking for a way out of the cave. I turned and saw a big gaping hole, but my heart sank when I saw that it only led to darkness.

The chained pig creature let out a deep guttural noise, and I knew I had to leave at once. I bolted out of the exit into the darkness, only to get thruster back into the cave by a pair of invisible arms. I screamed as I hit the cave floor and stood up again, looking at the massive pig, who was still eyeing me fiercely. On the opposite side of the cave from the exit was an axe and a torch, which seemed to be illuminating the room. I crept over to the axe, carefully avoiding the massive creature, and looked down at it. It wasn't the sharpest tool I had ever seen, but it looked like it could to some damage to something that could potentially harm me.

Like that pig! I thought. Then I leaned down and raised the axe, glaring straight at the evil creature.

"Stay away from me!" I shouted, at the pig as well as the stranger who had thrusted me back into the cave. "I will defend myself if you try and hurt me, I swear!"

The pig suddenly broke the chain and charged at me, its sharp tusks aiming for my torso. But I lifted my axe at the same moment and swung, striking the monster on one of its front legs. It stumbled to the cave floor with a loud shriek, and I swung the axe down onto its throat. Blood began to bubble out of the wound I had given it, and I tore the axe out of the beast once more, watching as the massive creature twitched feebly on the ground. I backed away from it, lifting my weapon in case it got up again. But it didn't.

"You've done well." Spoke a familiar voice from the darkness beyond the cave.

"Who's there?" I demanded, whirling around with the axe gripped tightly in both hands.

A cloaked figure stepped into the room. "It is I, the keeper of your dreams." The figure said in a tone that sent shivers rippling down my spine. I shuddered as I recognized him, my heart beating furiously.

"These dreams shall serve as an important part of your journey." The figure told me, his time ominous. "Now wake up. You have quite the journey ahead of you."


My eyes snapped open and I sat up, breathing heavily. I knew at once I had been dreaming, as I saw that I was safely sitting in the bed of Rich Inn. But this has been the second time this person...or whatever it was had appeared in my dreams. Despite being almost naked, I was sweating a lot, and I was too hot and nervous to just go back to sleep.

I wonder...could this figure possibly real? I thought, swallowing before lying back down again with a sigh. Then I dismissed the thought. That's nonsense! I've never believed in magical myths like the rest of my family! It's probably just a reoccurring dream or something...

But despite my own attempts of reassuring myself, I couldn't shake the feeling that the figure had visited me for a reason.

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