The Stone Cold Girl 🖤 (F) (0/5)

109 2 170

Name: Kinala Ujo

Age: 17

Personality: Stone Cold, Bold, Stubborn, Hard-headed, A Lot Buried Deep Down

(Art by saltiechips on insta)

Likes: The Color Yellow, Honeybees, Winter, Dumb People

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Likes: The Color Yellow, Honeybees, Winter, Dumb People

Dislikes: Smart People, Crabs, and Children

Backstory: She was born in an alleyway with no way of knowing who her parents are. But she never ever wants to meet them or know what happened to them knowing they abandoned her.

Other: Tattoo of a honeybee on the back of her left shoulder. Shes also super short (4"9)

Voice claim:

It was a cold morning as per usual. You make your bed, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, make coffee. The same old morning routine before the day starts. You were so happy it was a Saturday!! You decided to act on your good mood and go out for a jog. You went out the door before tripping on something in front of your doorstep. It was...a girl?!

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