Chika's Confession

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"This is it." Chika says aloud with determination spread across her face as she advances towards You's summer job. Despite the hot sun out, there is only one thing on her mind, a confession.

This isn't the first time Chika has wanted to do this but each time something always comes up. Whether it's You's busy schedule or Chika's own self-doubt that always stops her in her tracks. So here she was, finally, approaching the aquarium looking around for the recognizable mascot You would be sporting. Chika always would tell her she should get out of the costume since it was far too hot to be in that walrus all the time, but You insisted it's how she built her stamina. Now was the only time Chika was actually happy she was wearing it.

After entering the main gates of the Aquarium, Chika took a quick look at her surroundings. She slowly strolled to where she knew her future sailor would be and couldn't help but smile at the small details of the aquarium. Each spot she passed had a tiny memory she could think fondly back on. You really made every moment with her memorable. Thinking of how tenderly You would always grab her hand and guide her to the newest marine animal they brought in just empowered her more. She just had to make sure she finally told You how she felt, no matter the outcome.

Finally, she found the mascot handing out multi-colored balloons to small children near the food court. As each child grabbed a balloon and gave Uchicchi a hug, Chika patiently waited her turn with the young Watanabe. The kids slowly lost interest in Uchicchi seeing that she would never respond in order to keep her mascot persona up. Well that and plus Chika already knew that You couldn't entirely speak with the headpiece on but rather muffle strangely towards others. As the kids slowly left one by one, Chika saw her opportunity and quickly grabbed the girl's hand. As she raced towards the empty part of the aquarium that You would take her when she was on a lunch break, she could feel a little resistance.

After running through the crowds and ignoring the tugs she felt from the young girl's hand, she finally stopped in front of the large tank containing the newest addition of sharks. As Chika turned, she quickly caught sight of the young mascot trying to remove her mask. Chika swiftly grabbed the mascots flippers in hopes to stop her, she wasn't sure she could look at You in this sensitive moment of hers, especially when she knew her heart was about to be on the line. Chika looked at the young girl, or at least tried to through the mask, as she prepared herself in hopes to convey every feeling she could with her adequate vocabulary skills as she finally began her confession,

"You-chan, we've been friends since we were both the tiniest of children. I can trust you more than anyone in the world. You're such a dream to me and there isn't a single day that goes by where I don't think about you. You've made my world more beautiful than I ever imagined it could be and you keep me smiling all day with just a single glance my way. What I dragged you over here for, is to tell you something that has been on my mind for a while."

'Finally,' Chika thought, 'It's now or never.'

Tightening her grip on the young girls' flippers, practically feeling her hands through the cotton, Chika spoke from her heart as she said,

"I love you."

Chika's tears ran down her face as she finally said the words she's been dying to say ever since she was younger towards You. After a moment, Chika gathered herself to continue on, not waiting for the young girls' reaction nor wiping her own tears,

"I really wish for you to take my confession and know that no matter how you feel towards me, I will always love you as a friend and more. If you don't wish for that, I will leave you alone. Anything you desire, I will do. But I do ask one thing from you, You-chan. Do you feel the same way about me?"

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