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My name is classified. You may call me Indigo-Rose. I am thirteen and I own a farm in Nebraska, my dad died before I was born and my mum died having me. I live with my aunt and uncle next door to my farm. My aunt and uncle are very nice kins people.

I attended Gallagher Academy and my friends there don't know any of this but this is my background story.

My name is classified because it is a name to a different person. Not the spy in training I am. Indigo-Rose is me. Indigo-Rose isn't the weird, smart, creepy, curious orphan I used to be and that's why I call myself Indigo-Rose at school.

Let's go back one year before I was given the opportunity to attended Gallagher Academy. We also need to leave behind Virginia and Indigo-Rose. Instead we go to Craw, Nebraska and become ****************.

Indigo-Rose How I Became a Gallagher Girl fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now