✰oh! darling✰

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TYLER HAS COME over every night since he first climbed through my window on that warm, breezy night. i don't mind it a bit. we always find ourselves on my bed in the same position, his head at my feet and my head at his feet. except this time, our fingers were intertwined where our hands met in the middle. his fingertips felt soft and silky against mine, and it never once felt wrong.

"luce, what's your opinion on pet names?" tyler asked. i felt my heartbeat quicken a bit, and i was hoping he wouldn't notice the slight change in my breathing.

"some of them make me cringe a little bit, but i have a soft spot for a few."

"name 'em." i smiled, knowing what he was doing. i didn't have to look to know that he was smiling with me.

"well, ones that i don't hate are baby, baby girl, angel, princess, and darling."

"very much noted, angel."

i couldn't help it, the squeal that came out of my mouth really was meant to stay in my head. i guess it found it's way to my mouth.

"woah, calm down luce. why did you have to scream?"

i couldn't keep the rosy blush that was rising up in my cheeks quiet.

"i didn't scream, mr. joseph, i squealed. huge difference, clown." tyler put his hand on his chest in fake offense.

"so i call you sweet names like "angel" and i get clown? unbelievable. you really think you know someone."

"oh cut it out, ty. you know you secretly like it." tyler has his mouth wide open and i couldn't contain my obnoxious giggles.

"WHY would i even tolerate a pet name such as clown? what infantile moron would get even the slightest sense of joy when their new girlfriend calls them clown?" at this point, my laughing induced tears were incessant and even in the dark, you could see how red my face became. now, tyler had started letting out a few giggles, and it wasn't long before he started becoming as wrecked as me. now, we were both a laughing, stuttering mess in my bed. somehow he had laughed so hard that now his head was against my chest and i was laughing into his head. it honestly wasn't really all that funny, but it was 2 am and we were both high off of sleep deprivation. once we had finally calmed down, he moved closer up to me and started running his fingers through my hair, nothing but the sound of crickets and the low, mellow sound of "oh! darling" playing. i slowly raise my head up as i come to a realization.

"wait, did you just call me your girlfriend?" he just smiled and said,

"if that's one of the other pet names you like to be called, then yeah."

lucy in the sky with diamonds {tyler joseph}Where stories live. Discover now