The Signs during Zombie Apocalypse
Aries: Tries to fight a zombie in 1v1. They died.
Taurus: Is secretly a rebel who is supposed to be in charge with foods but ends up eating it all.
Gemini: The watcher and probably a jack of all trades but they are more slick on the offense. Partner of Aquarius.
Cancer: The supplier of weapons and accidentally shot themselves during the attack. Is being healed by Pisces. (Wut iz this)
Leo: The annoying, noisy leader who complains all the time. A partner of Scorpio.
Libra: Stays at the camp. Chilling with Taurus.
Virgo: The one who complains all the time about how disgusting the Zombies are.
Scorpio: Either a badass fighter or a loser. But it doesn't matter, they're hot af. Is planning to kill Leo in annoyance sooner or later.
Saggitarius: The one who makes fun of every zombies' face they see.
Capricorn: A strategist and is supposed to be the leader but everyone chose Leo instead. Now Capricorn's happy that they all regret it.
Aquarius: A weird smartass. Stays on the defensive. A partner of Gemini.
Pisces: The healer. Thinking how dumb Cancer is. Planning to switch roles.