part three - the city isn't the only thing that's beautiful.

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Jeyjey pov

We hopped into benji's car and he began to drive the both of us into the city. It was only about a ten minute drive, so in that time, we jammed out to some music.

I found myself caught up with staring at the beautiful boy next to me, not paying attention to anything else in the world. Just studying his every feature.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Benji said with a grin.

I blushed and apologized for staring.

"Nothing to apologize for," he smiled.

After about 2 more minutes of driving, we arrive at this huge area with many buildings and people rushing around with bags in their hands.

"Where are we?" I question.

"The mall," Benji answers. "Well it's actually more of a 'shopping center' because it's outside, but most people from around here refer to it as the mall."

I nod my head and smile at him as we both begin to walk. We start off by mostly just walking around, going into a store or two, not buying many things for the most part.

"I'm getting kinda hungry," Benji announces.

"Me too. Do you have anywhere in mind?"

"Actually I do," he smiles and grabs my hand. I know it's more of a friendly grab but I couldn't help but blush.

He begins to speed-walk, pulling me along with him, until we come up to the entrance of a small Mexican restaurant.

"Oooohhhhh I love Mexican food," I say as I begin to walk into the building.

"I love all food," he says with a laugh as he follows me.

"Table for two?" Two woman at the front asks.

We both nod at the same time. The woman only smiles at Benji, and some jealousy starts to rise from within me. 'omg jorge you haven't even know him for 12 hours get over yourself,' I think to myself.

We both order our drinks and the same woman continues to try to make small talk with benji. She's getting too close to him, and I can honestly tell that it's making him uncomfortable.

"Hey, could you stop hitting on my boyfriend? K thanks," I say with a sassy smile. She only scoffs, rolls her eyes, and walks away.

"Oh so now we're dating? Good way for me to find out," Benji says with a wink.

"hey you were uncomfortable and I just saved you ass, so you're welcome," I say as I slightly hit his shoulder from across the table.

"thanks," he responds as a smile creeps onto his face.

We both decide on what we're going to eat, and luckily this time, we have a different waiter. We both get our food, and just talk while we wait for it to come to our table. I've really gotten to know Benji in the past couple of hours, and I can definitely say I've made a good friend already. A pretty one too.

For the rest of the night, we pretty much just walk around the city. Benji takes me to this place that looks like it's the middle of the woods.

"Just a heads up, I don't do spiders," I announce as he gets out of the car, and begins to walk into a blanket of trees.

"Cmon, I promise you it's worth it," he tried to bribe, and it obviously works.

I follow him, but groan anytime I feel anything touch me, even if it was just my own hand brushing against my own thigh.

"We're almost there."

We walk through an opening in the trees to reveal a little area near a drop-off. The area overlooked the entire city. My jaw physically dropped, it was so beautiful. We sat down on some large rocks that were right next to each other.

This was the most amazing this thing I'd ever seen.

"Benji, it's beautiful," I say, still in awe.

"Yeah it is, but it's not the only beautiful thing here," he says while staring right at me.

I blush harder than I'd even blushed before.

"Stop it, you're making me blush."

"I just thought I was aloud to compliment my boyfriend," he said with a smirk, referring to me saving him earlier.

"Shut up, Benjamin."

"Oh you did not just 'Benjamin' me," he replied, mimicking the way I said 'benjamin'.

"Oh yes I did," I say back, giggling.

We continue our little fake arguments about the most random things that would just come into our brains. I loved having Benji benji around. He made me feel safe, and comfortable. It was really nice to have a friend, even on my first day here.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I know I said I might do this story about like school & I still can but I want your guys' opinions! So comment if you want there to be school in this!

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