I forgot to mention
I lost the pokemon battle I did absolutely nothing in
At least I did better than that OTHER battle I did nothing in
Oh you want to hear don't ya?
It went like this
I was in a battle with swagdra and he decided that we both do nothing and eat lunch then come back and see what happened
He was still on his first pokemon
I had like 2 pokemon left and he had ALL 6
That was more absurd then that one time Oshalink and me were battling in a wonder trade team
That volbeat...I'll save that for another time
MY abyss of randomness
RandomSo I got an idea from MangoKiwi about her abyss of randomness so WYNAUT make my own Also of u don't know what an abyss of randomness is then it's basically where I just write down random stuff I though or happened to me Waffles Ok